How to tell if you've been infected with 'crypto': Symptoms and warning signs ... trends now

How to tell if you've been infected with 'crypto': Symptoms and warning signs ... trends now

Hundreds of people in Devon have been struck down by a microscopic parasite that infiltrated their water supply.

Called cryptosporidium, commonly known as 'crypto', it can infect the digestive system of animals and people.

Once there it causes symptoms like watery diarrhoea, stomach pain, vomiting, a fever, and loss of appetite.

Medics technically call this disease cryptosporidiosis.

Sufferers often have to endure these symptoms for two weeks before it is finally clear from their systems, but bouts of illness can last even longer, particularly in people with weakened immune systems like cancer patients. 

Cryptosporidium parasites are protected by a thick shell that allows them to even survive in chlorinated swimming pool water

Cryptosporidium parasites are protected by a thick shell that allows them to even survive in chlorinated swimming pool water

South West Water apologised to customers and gave them detailed advice on how to eliminate illness-causing organisms from their water

South West Water apologised to customers and gave them detailed advice on how to eliminate illness-causing organisms from their water

Victims can also experience periods of false hope where their symptoms clear for a few days, making them believe they are finally over the infection, only for it to return. 

Most people aren't offered treatment for crypto and instead are told to drink plenty of fluids and minimise contact with other people while waiting until symptoms pass. 

People are typically infected with Crypto via contact with faeces containing the parasite, either from humans or animals that then enters their mouth. 

These infected faeces can contaminate lakes, streams, swimming pools and, as appears to be the case in Devon, water supplies.

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South West Water urges Devon residents to boil their tap water after confirmed cases of cryptosporidium with investigation underway

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Risk of water supplies becoming infected is higher following periods of heavy rainfall and when animals are giving birth, such as the lambing season.  

People can also get it by caring for people infected with crypto, particularly young children.

This can occur when people change a nappy and then put their hands near or in their mouth without washing them thoroughly, for example.

Other possible sources of infection are contact

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