I'm a dietitian, this is why microwaving food makes some meals MORE nutritious trends now

I'm a dietitian, this is why microwaving food makes some meals MORE nutritious trends now
I'm a dietitian, this is why microwaving food makes some meals MORE nutritious trends now

I'm a dietitian, this is why microwaving food makes some meals MORE nutritious trends now

A health expert has debunked the myth that microwaves remove nutrients from your food, reporting it's actually better than steaming or blanching vegetables in some cases.

Clinical dietician Shyla Cadogan, at Lifebridge Health, clarified that any method of cooking - whether its frying, boiling or stir-frying - will impact the nutrients in food but microwaves have been shown to preserve them.

Microwaves use the 'average oven temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit to cook food and require less time to heat up food than alternate methods which helps prevent nutrient loss, she claims.

Microwaves use lower temperatures and require less time to heat up food than alternate methods which helps prevent nutrient loss

Microwaves use lower temperatures and require less time to heat up food than alternate methods which helps prevent nutrient loss

People have falsely claimed that the radiation in microwaves destroys the nutrients in food and breaks them apart into carcinogens, but Cadogan reported that this isn't the case.

The dietitian's claims have also been supported by others in her field.

Dr Anthony L. Komaroff, M.D., who serves as professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and Senior Physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, has shared similar points.

'Microwave cooking is actually one of the least likely forms of cooking to damage nutrients,' Komaroff wrote for a Harvard Health blog.

'That's because the longer food cooks, the more nutrients tend to break down, and microwave cooking takes less time.'   

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Microwaves use non-ionizing radiation, which releases electromagnetic waves that causes molecules in the food to move and generate heat that is transferred throughout the food. 

The process cooks the food from the inside out and while it does cause some enzymatic shifts, Cadogan said that is true for almost any other cooking method that involves heat. 

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