Move aside, T.Rex! Newly discovered dinosaur that roamed Patagonia 70 million ... trends now

Move aside, T.Rex! Newly discovered dinosaur that roamed Patagonia 70 million ... trends now


If you thought T.Rex had short arms, wait until you see this newly discovered dinosaur.

A carnivorous species dubbed Koleken inakayali roamed the Earth 70 million years ago, and had even tinier forelimbs than the 'King of the Dinosaurs'.

National Geographic Explorer Diego Pol and a global team of researchers and paleontologists uncovered its fossilised remains in the La Colonia Formation of central Patagonia.

The name Koleken inakayali derives from the language of the Tehuelche people of the region and refers to the claystone the animal was found in and the Tehuelche leader Inakayal.

The dinosaur represents only the second known of the abelisaurid family of dinosaurs to have lived in the La Colonia Formation at the end of the dinosaur era in the Late Cretaceous Epoch.

If you thought T.Rex had short arms, wait until you see this newly discovered dinosaur. A carnivorous species dubbed Koleken inakayali roamed the Earth 70 million years ago, and had even tinier forelimbs than the 'King of the Dinosaurs'

If you thought T.Rex had short arms, wait until you see this newly discovered dinosaur. A carnivorous species dubbed Koleken inakayali roamed the Earth 70 million years ago, and had even tinier forelimbs than the 'King of the Dinosaurs'

A common trait of abelisaurid dinosaurs, such as Koleken inakayali or Tyrannosaurus rex (artist's impression), are their short arms

A common trait of abelisaurid dinosaurs, such as Koleken inakayali or Tyrannosaurus rex (artist's impression), are their short arms

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Koleken resembles the iconic 'meat bull' Carnotaurus sastrei, the only other abelisaurid known from the La Colonia Formation, which was popularised in the film Jurassic World.

However, unlike Carnotaurus, Kotleken is smaller in size and exhibits a unique set of skull features and anatomical differences - most notably, the absence of the massive frontal horns possessed by Carnotaurs.

The team's research, published in the journal Cladistics, details their findings which consists of a partial skeleton, including several skull bones, an almost complete series of back bones, a complete hip, several tail bones, and almost complete legs.

Koleken resembles the iconic 'meat bull' Carnotaurus sastrei, the only other abelisaurid known from the La Colonia Formation

Koleken resembles the iconic 'meat bull' Carnotaurus sastrei, the only other abelisaurid known from the La Colonia Formation

The team's research, published in the journal Cladistics, details their findings which consists of a partial skeleton, including several skull bones, an almost complete series of back bones, a complete hip, several tail bones, and almost complete legs

The team's research, published in the journal Cladistics, details their findings which consists of a partial skeleton, including several skull bones, an almost complete series of back bones, a complete hip, several tail bones, and almost complete legs

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