EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: David Cameron does a U-turn to send daughter to £21k ...

EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: David Cameron does a U-turn to send daughter to £21k ...
EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: David Cameron does a U-turn to send daughter to £21k ...

When David Cameron was trying to enter Downing Street, he made it clear that he planned to shun the expensive education he had himself benefited from when it came to his own children.

The Old Etonian, who was then leader of the Opposition, declared: 'I'd like my children to go to state school. I think it's crazy that we should have to pay lots of money for private schools. We all pay our taxes.' 

In case voters had failed to get the message, he said in a newspaper interview in 2009: 'You should have really good state schools available for all.'

His comments made a big impression as he tried to prove that he was a new type of Tory.

I can disclose that David and Samantha Cameron's younger daughter, Florence, 11, has started at a London private school, whose fees are what he might have once called crazy: more than £21,000 a year. (Above: The Camerons  - left to right, David, Nancy, Arthur Elwen, Florence and Samantha - outside 10 Downing St in 2016)

I can disclose that David and Samantha Cameron's younger daughter, Florence, 11, has started at a London private school, whose fees are what he might have once called crazy: more than £21,000 a year. (Above: The Camerons  - left to right, David, Nancy, Arthur Elwen, Florence and Samantha - outside 10 Downing St in 2016)

Florence, above in 2016, is following in the footsteps of her brother, Elwen, 15, who started attending a private secondary school after Cameron quit No 10 having lost the Brexit referendum that year

Florence, above in 2016, is following in the footsteps of her brother, Elwen, 15, who started attending a private secondary school after Cameron quit No 10 having lost the Brexit referendum that year

After he won the keys to No 10 the following year, the prime minister did as he had pledged by letting it be known that his elder daughter, Nancy, now 17, would attend a state comprehensive in Westminster.

Now out of office, however, it's a very different story. 

I can disclose that David and Samantha Cameron's younger daughter, Florence, 11, has started at a London private school, whose fees are what he might have once called crazy: more than £21,000 a year.

That compares with £7,100 spent on each state secondary school pupil in the capital. 

The former PM was reported to have been paid a whopping £7.2 million in salary and shares during the two and a half years he worked part-time for Greensill Capital, the controversial finance company that went bust last year

The former PM was reported to have been paid a whopping £7.2 million in salary and shares during the two and a half years he worked part-time for Greensill Capital, the controversial finance company that went bust last year

The gap between private school fees and state school spending per pupil has more than doubled in England over the past decade, with private fees now more than 90 per cent higher.

Florence is following in the footsteps of her brother, Elwen, 15, who started attending a private secondary school after Cameron quit No 10 having lost the Brexit referendum in 2016.

The fees at Elwen's school are almost £27,000 a year, which means the Camerons are paying an annual total of £48,000 on fees. 

The average British salary is about £26,000 before tax.

But the Camerons will have no trouble finding the cash. 

The former PM was reported to have been paid a whopping £7.2 million in salary and shares during the two and a half years he worked part-time for Greensill Capital, the controversial finance company that went bust last year.

Salman Rushdie, 74, has revealed he refuses to eat until he's finished work, even if that takes all day

Salman Rushdie, 74, has revealed he refuses to eat until he's finished work, even if that takes all day

Booker Prize-winner Sir Salman Rushdie has clearly lost none of his hunger for success. 

The Satanic Verses author, 74, has revealed he refuses to eat until he's finished work, even if that takes all day. 

'You should work hungry,' he claims. 

'If I've had a nice meal, I can't write — I get slow and sleepy. 

'In the morning, I virtually have nothing other than a cup of coffee. 

'I sometimes spend 12 or 13 hours a day on writing.'

Hope he has a well-stocked fridge to cope with those midnight binges...

Connery girl finds love with Peck grandson 

Gregory Peck never shared a screen with Sean Connery, but the Hollywood legends' grandchildren have discovered they're the perfect match.

I hear that Natasha Connery, the granddaughter of former James Bond star Sir Sean, is enjoying a passionate romance with Harper Peck, whose grandfather starred in To Kill A Mockingbird, the big-screen version of Harper Lee's novel. 

'It's a great Hollywood romance,' jokes one of their friends.

I hear that Natasha Connery, the granddaughter of former James Bond star Sir Sean, is enjoying a passionate romance with Harper Peck, whose grandfather starred in To Kill A Mockingbird, the big-screen version of Harper Lee's novel

I hear that Natasha Connery, the granddaughter of former James Bond star Sir Sean, is enjoying a passionate romance with Harper Peck, whose grandfather starred in To Kill A Mockingbird, the big-screen version of Harper Lee's novel

The couple, who are both in their 20s, started the year riding hand-in-hand on horses into the sunset at an 'eco' resort in Mexico.

Harper is the son of Peck's actress daughter Cecilia, while socialite Natasha is the granddaughter of Connery's widow, Micheline.

Gregory Peck

Sean Connery

Harper is the son of Gregory Peck's actress daughter Cecilia, while socialite Natasha is the granddaughter of Sean Connery's widow, Micheline

The smart set's talking about... screen 'Kate' who's marrying her own 'Wills' 

Aristocratic actress Lady Alice St Clair-Erskine, who was cast as Kate Middleton in the 2011 television drama William & Catherine: A Royal Romance, doesn't just share the Duchess's looks.

I hear Lady Alice, daughter of the Earl and Countess of Rosslyn, is to marry her own

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