New York woman who beat breast cancer in her 30s reveals the surprising sign of ... trends now

New York woman who beat breast cancer in her 30s reveals the surprising sign of ... trends now
New York woman who beat breast cancer in her 30s reveals the surprising sign of ... trends now

New York woman who beat breast cancer in her 30s reveals the surprising sign of ... trends now

New York woman who beat breast cancer in her 30s reveals the surprising sign of disease — that wasn't a lump


A New York woman who beat breast cancer in her 30s has revealed the surprising sign of the disease.

Instead of the classic breast cancer flag — a lump — Megan Liscomb, 37, noticed visual changes in her breast.

She originally put these down to 'aging', she said in her first-person piece on Buzzfeed

A leading health panel recently recommended the age at which women are regularly screened for breast cancer should be cut from 50 to 40.

But Ms Liscomb said those screenings are too late for younger cancer patients like herself — which

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