Full horror of Oklahoma teen Noah Presgrove's injuries explained - as autopsy ... trends now

Full horror of Oklahoma teen Noah Presgrove's injuries explained - as autopsy ... trends now

Noah Presgrove suffered dozens of horrific injuries from broken bones to smashed teeth, brain damage, and bleeding inside his skull and chest before he died naked by a lonely highway.

The teenager, 19, was wearing only two mismatched shoes when his body was discovered on a desolate stretch of US-81 near Terral, Oklahoma, on September 4.

He was last seen alive about a mile away at a four-day 22nd birthday party with friends over the Labor Day weekend that was heavily documented on social media.

Oklahoma Chief Medical Examiner Leonardo Roquero ruled Presgrove died of 'multiple blunt force injuries', but how he got them was 'undetermined'.

His autopsy report released on Monday detailed extensive injuries to the teen's upper body, including 10 broken ribs, serious skull, neck, and spine fractures, internal bleeding, brain and organ damage, and cuts and grazes all over his body.

DailyMail.com mapped out Presgrove's injuries on anatomical diagrams to show the full horror of the ordeal he suffered before his death as his family fights for answers.

Noah Presgrove, 19, was wearing only shoes when his body was discovered on a desolate stretch of US-81 in Terral, Oklahoma, on September 4

Noah Presgrove, 19, was wearing only shoes when his body was discovered on a desolate stretch of US-81 in Terral, Oklahoma, on September 4

Presgrove suffered external injuries to his face and head that night. The most serious was the chunk of scalp that was torn off his head all the way down to the bone that coincided with the massive internal injuries to his skull and brain that were at their worst at the top and back of the head. The piece of scalp and hair was found on the highway feet away. Many of Presgrove's teeth were also broken and some were knocked out and found on the road

Presgrove suffered external injuries to his face and head that night. The most serious was the chunk of scalp that was torn off his head all the way down to the bone that coincided with the massive internal injuries to his skull and brain that were at their worst at the top and back of the head. The piece of scalp and hair was found on the highway feet away. Many of Presgrove's teeth were also broken and some were knocked out and found on the road

Presgrove is believed to have died from massive internal bleeding before his other injuries had a chance to end his life. All up, he lost at least 3.2 pints of blood from two punctured lungs, damage to vital organs, and extensive tissue damage. A man Presgrove's size has about 12.6 pints of blood, and would generally die after losing half of it - though as little as a third can lead to death

Presgrove is believed to have died from massive internal bleeding before his other injuries had a chance to end his life. All up, he lost at least 3.2 pints of blood from two punctured lungs, damage to vital organs, and extensive tissue damage. A man Presgrove's size has about 12.6 pints of blood, and would generally die after losing half of it - though as little as a third can lead to death

There was one extensive skull fracture running across his head, 'splitting the middle base of skull into two', and two smaller ones, with police investigators describing his head as being 'caved in'.

He had about 20ml, or 0.68oz, of blood pooled inside his head from a brain bleed, damage to four parts of the brain itself.

There was also air in both his cranial cavity and spinal cord, extremely rare conditions only caused by massive head trauma. 

Both lungs were punctured and he had internal injuries to his heart, spleen, and stomach and internal bleeding of at least 1,550ml - about 3.2 pints.

A man Presgrove's size has about 12.6 pints of blood, and would generally die after losing half of it - though as little as a third can lead to death.

The skin on left side of his scalp was torn off to the bone and a clump of hair and skin was found in the middle of the highway.

'Additionally, a clump of hair was observed on the right buttock without blood or tissue,' Roquero wrote.

There was one extensive skull fracture running across his head, 'splitting the middle base of skull into two', and two smaller ones, with police investigators describing his head as being 'caved in'. The large fracture is known as a 'hinge type' for its distinctive shape. Presgrove also suffered damage to a muscle on the side of his head, which is used for chewing

There was one extensive skull fracture running across his head, 'splitting the middle base of skull into two', and two smaller ones, with police investigators describing his head as being 'caved in'. The large fracture is known as a 'hinge type' for its distinctive shape. Presgrove also suffered damage to a muscle on the side of his head, which is used for chewing

The skull fractures and scalp tearing caused bleeding inside his head both above and below the skull. The most was at the back of his head in what's known as a subdural hemorrhage - below the dural layer under the skull that carries fluid around the cranium - where there was 20ml, or 0.68oz, of blood pooled. There was also air in both his cranial cavity and spinal cord, extremely rare conditions only caused by massive head trauma

The skull fractures and scalp tearing caused bleeding inside his head both above and below the skull. The most was at the back of his head in what's known as a subdural hemorrhage - below the dural layer under the skull that carries fluid around the cranium - where there was 20ml, or 0.68oz, of blood pooled. There was also air in both his cranial cavity and spinal cord, extremely rare conditions only caused by massive head trauma

Both his upper and lower teeth were broken 'with few fragments and found inside the mouth' and others strewn across the road several feet from his body.

He was bleeding out of his ears and had a cut on his lower lip and one on his tongue.

Presgrove's C1, C2, C6, C7 vertebrae were fractured to varying degrees and C1 was displaced - indicating a seriously broken neck of the same kind that people who are executed by hanging suffer.

He had road rash on upper back and abrasions from grazes on his left shoulder, left arm, left side of torso, and both buttocks.

Other grazes were on his left eyebrow, corner of the left eye and left cheek, left ear, right neck, and behind his right ear.

Presgrove had healed abrasions and scabs on his nose, both hands and knuckles, left foot and heel, round healing ulcer on right thigh - all of which predated the injuries from that night.

Presgrove's C1, C2, C6, C7 vertebrae were fractured to varying degrees and C1 was displaced with his head being pushed forward from his spine - indicating a seriously broken neck of the same kind that people who are executed by hanging suffer

Presgrove's C1, C2, C6, C7 vertebrae were fractured to varying degrees and C1 was displaced with his head being pushed forward from his spine - indicating a seriously broken neck of the same kind that people who are executed by hanging suffer

Presgrove suffered fractured to nine vertebrae in his spine, mostly at the back of the bones in the knobs you can feel if you touch your spine with your hand. There were also fractures to 10 ribs - all close to the spine and mostly in the upper back

Roquero wrote that there were 'no vehicle parts or debris observed on the scene', indicating Presgrove was almost certainly not hit by a car. 

'He was naked and was only wearing unmatching shoes. There was a pair of shorts found several feet from the decedent and was reported to be his,' Roquero wrote.

'Additionally, there were three pieces of a white metal chain as well as part of a tooth present several feet from the decedent.'

Roquero noted there was 'a drawing in black ink of a stick-figure person on the side of the right thigh'.

A video from the Saturday night of the party, on September 2, showed Presgrove's friends drawing their names and other doodles on his back and buttocks.

He went home and washed some of it off, but is believed to not have been able to get all of the marker off before he went back to the party the next evening.

Presgrove had comparatively minor external injuries to the front of his body. Most of the grazes were patchy and in some cases the spots were round and the size of a coin or smaller

Presgrove had comparatively minor external injuries to the front of his body. Most of the grazes were patchy and in some cases the spots were round and the size of a coin or smaller

Presgrove had road rash above his upper back, with black material from the road lodged in the wounds. There were also grazes on both buttocks despite the shorts found near his body being undamaged

Presgrove had road rash above his upper back, with black material from the road lodged in the wounds. There were also grazes on both buttocks despite the shorts found near his body being undamaged

The Adidas shoe Presgrove was wearing was his, and the other, a 'Hey Dude' slip-on, was from another party guest who was asleep at the time.

The shorts he was wearing were undamaged, despite the grazes on his buttocks, and the slip-on shoes had grass and other debris lodged in them.

Presgrove had a blood alcohol level of 0.14, but no drugs in his system. 

Dr Stuart Fischer, an internist doctor with extensive experience in emergency medicine, reviewed the report for DailyMail.com and said the injuries were so catastrophic and varied that him being mortally wounded in a severe beating was the most likely cause.

'The poor kid never had a chance... My guess would be injury by several different things at the same time, namely several different people at the same time,' he said.

He said it was unlikely one person caused all Presgrove's injuries because they were far in excess of what was needed to kill him - unless it was a 'crime of passion'.

Presgrove's body was found between the two chalk lines, and teeth within the circles. In the background is a memorial set up for the teenager

Presgrove's body was found between the two chalk lines, and teeth within the circles. In the background is a memorial set up for the teenager

Oklahoma Chief Medical Examiner Leonardo Roquero ruled Presgrove died of 'multiple blunt force injuries', but how he got them was 'undetermined'

Oklahoma Chief Medical Examiner Leonardo Roquero ruled Presgrove died of 'multiple blunt force injuries', but how he got them was 'undetermined'

Dr Fischer was shocked to see there was little mention of blood at the scene, and hear how multiple sources told DailyMail.com that there was almost none when they saw his body lying on the roadside.

'Really? Well maybe the body was moved. There would be pools of blood and if you're not seeing that, an explanation could be that's what happened,' he said.

Another leading theory police are investigating is that Presgrove fell, or was pushed, from the back of a pickup truck and hit his head on the road.

'It's possible,' Dr Fischer said, but noted the lack of serious injuries to Presgrove's lower body, which only had

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