Are YOU living in a fat hotspot? Our interactive map reveals areas where four ... trends now

Are YOU living in a fat hotspot? Our interactive map reveals areas where four ... trends now

England's spiraling obesity crisis is laid bare today in a sobering interactive map that reveals the areas most people are facing health risks due to excess fat. 

Stark figures show four in ten residents in Wigan, Great Yarmouth and Swale are now obese.

For comparison, just a tenth of people in Kensington and Chelsea fall into the same category, according to the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities. 

Waistlines also rose across the country, with the average overweight and obesity rate the highest logged since records began. 

Nearly eight in ten adults are now classed as fat in County Durham and the Wirral. 

The data also covers the period in which Britain was plunged into a cost of living crisis, which experts have long warned increases the risk of malnourishment due to high food and energy prices. 

On average more than a quarter (26.2 per cent) of adults across the country are obese. This is classed as having a BMI above 30.

Just under two thirds (64 per cent) are overweight or obese — a BMI over 25. 

According to the analysts, South Tyneside (38.8 per cent) had the highest obesity rate, after Wigan, Grear Yarmouth and Swale (39.1 per cent). 

It was followed by Stoke-on-Trent (38.7 per cent) and Cannock Chase (38.4 per cent). 


Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on your weight in relation to your height. 

Standard Formula:

BMI = (weight in pounds / (height in inches x height in inches)) x 703

Metric Formula:

BMI = (weight in kilograms / (height in meters x height in meters))


Under 18.5: Underweight 18.5 - 24.9: Healthy 25 - 29.9: Overweight 30 - 39.9: Obese  40+: Morbidly obese 


Meanwhile, just 13.2 per cent of adults in Kensington and Chelsea and 13.9 per cent in Haringey were classed as obese

Outside of London, rates stood at just 14 per cent in the Isles of Scilly. 

But similarly high figures were again seen in the north of England when accounting for the combined overweight and obesity rate.

The data, based off Sport England's 'Active Lives Adult Survey' found more than three quarters of adults in County Durham (77.7 per cent) hit the threshold. 

The Wirral (76.3 per cent), Cannock Chase (76 per cent) and Gosport

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