sport news Robert Snodgrass charged by FA after using insulting language towards UK ...

Robert Snodgrass charged by FA after West Ham star used insulting language towards UK Anti-Doping officials The officials were visiting West Ham's training ground on February 6 this year They were conducting out of competition testing during the visit to West Ham Robert Snodgrass now has until until March 18 to respond to the charge

By Sami Mokbel for MailOnline

Published: 17:45 GMT, 4 March 2019 | Updated: 17:48 GMT, 4 March 2019


West Ham midfielder Robert Snodgrass has been charged by the FA for a shock rant at doping chiefs - despite not even being drug tested.

The Scotland attacker has landed himself in hot water for allegedly abusing UK Anti-Doping officials during a round of drug testing at the club’s Rush

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