sport news Anthony Edwards and Nikola Jokic clash after Timberwolves star trolled Nuggets ... trends now

sport news Anthony Edwards and Nikola Jokic clash after Timberwolves star trolled Nuggets ... trends now


Anthony Edwards and Nikola Jokic appeared to clash towards the end of the Minnesota Timberwolves' remarkable comeback win over the Denver Nuggets.

The Timberwolves roared back from a 20-point second-half deficit to eliminate the reigning NBA champion Denver Nuggets 98-90 in a Game 7 Minnesota masterpiece on Sunday night. 

The Timberwolves overcame a 15-point halftime deficit - the largest comeback in a Game 7 in NBA playoff history - behind Edwards, who had just four points, no rebounds and three assists at halftime but finished with 16 points, eight boards and seven assists.

But Jokic appeared to be irritated by Edwards when, as the clock ticked down into th final 30 seconds, the Timberwolves star taunted Nuggets fans by waving goodbye to them.

As Minnesota prepared to shoot a free throw, Jokic bumped into Edwards and said something to him - which was not clear on the broadcast.

Anthony Edwards and Nikola Jokic appeared to clash as the Timberwolves beat the Nuggets

As the clock ticked down, the Timberwolves star taunted Nuggets fans by waving goodbye

As the clock ticked down, the Timberwolves star taunted Nuggets fans by waving goodbye

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