Is it OK to do this on a flight? Internet divided over this simple eating habit trends now

Is it OK to do this on a flight? Internet divided over this simple eating habit trends now
Is it OK to do this on a flight? Internet divided over this simple eating habit trends now

Is it OK to do this on a flight? Internet divided over this simple eating habit trends now

Everybody likes fruit - well, maybe not those aboard a plane who constantly point out how annoying peeling the treats can be. 

The debate over whether peeling oranges, and other fruit, on a plane began after a Reddit user created a post yesterday asking about the move.

'Out of curiosity, is it rude to peel oranges on a flight?.' the user asked.

The person on Reddit also asked the same question on a different subreddit and wrote that they 'love the smell of citrus.'

Other Reddit users are split on whether its rude or OK to peel oranges on a plane, and the debate has even spread to other social media platforms.

'Just don’t hand me your mess of peelings while I’m walking down the aisle doing my compliance checks with no gloves and no trash bags,' one flight attendant wrote in response. 

A debate ignited from Reddit posts created on two subreddits yesterday about peeling oranges on planes and if it's rude

A debate ignited from Reddit posts created on two subreddits yesterday about peeling oranges on planes and if it's rude

The original poster revealed that they 'love the smell of citrus' but are not sure if it's offensive to the fliers who sit next to him

The original poster revealed that they 'love the smell of citrus' but are not sure if it's offensive to the fliers who sit next to him

A dietician and frequent flier revealed in Vane Airport Mag that a big 'don't' when entering an aircraft is bringing 'messy fruits.'

'Oranges on airplanes are a disaster unless they’re the little clementines,' the flier wrote.

'The juice from cut fruit like pineapple can leak all over your carry-on and sticky everything in sight. Anything you need to use a napkin to tame isn’t your friend on the flight.'

However, a flier and TikTok user known as @_maxn_ managed to peal an orange with his hands without making a mess in his seat on a video he posted in 2022.

The TikToker is not the only person who is okay with peeling an orange on a plane.

Reddit users who have commented on the original poster's posts have written why they think the orange peeling habit is okay on a plane.

A dietician and frequent flier revealed in Vane Airport Mag that a big don't when entering an aircraft is bringing 'messy fruits'

A dietician and frequent flier revealed in Vane Airport Mag that a

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