British Army's new recruitment drive targets 'me me me millennials'

Fall in, you ’orrible little snowflakes! British Army's new recruitment drive targets 'me me me millennials, phone zombies and selfie addicts' in bid to make up falling soldier numbers New poster campaign appeals to computer game geeks and selfie addicts The campaign is said to have cost the Army around £1.5million to put together The aim is to sign up millennials with compassion, self belief and focus 

By Larisa Brown Defence And Security Editor For The Daily Mail

Published: 00:02 GMT, 3 January 2019 | Updated: 02:11 GMT, 3 January 2019




What would an old-style sergeant major say? After telling soldiers it was all right to cry, the Army is now seeking recruits from the snowflake generation.

Its new poster campaign appeals to computer game geeks and selfie addicts.

The adverts, unveiled today, are inspired by the famous First World War poster featuring a pointing Lord Kitchener and the slogan ‘Your country needs you’.

Part of a £1.5million recruitment campaign for 2019, they show six soldiers with labels of modern stereotypes, such as ‘phone zombies’ and ‘class clowns’ above the slogan ‘Your Army needs you’.

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