'I was hanged for something I didn't do' says sacked defence secretary Gavin ...

Gavin Williamson has declared he was 'hanged for something he didn't do' in a furious blast at Theresa May after she sacked him as Defence Secretary. 

The Conservative MP said he was the victim of a 'slapdash witch-hunt' after he was blamed for leaking from a top-secret meeting of the National Security Council, where ministers had discussed the possible security threat from Huawei. 

Insisting he 'didn't say anything inappropriate to anyone', Mr Williamson said the leak inquiry had been a 'game of politics' intended to 'prove the PM's political strength'.  

Speaking to the Sunday Express he called on Mrs May to publish the Huawei leak report 'so that everyone can make a judgment'. 

Gavin Williamson (pictured) has declared he was 'hanged for something he didn't do' in a furious blast at Theresa May after she sacked him as Defence Secretary

Mr Williamson called on Mrs May (pictured) to publish the Huawei leak report 'so that everyone can make a judgment'

Gavin Williamson (pictured left) has declared he was 'hanged for something he didn't do' in a furious blast at Theresa May (right) after she sacked him as Defence Secretary

Timeline: The Huawei leak scandal

April 23: The National Security Council meets. Theresa May reportedly gives the green light for Huawei to help build Britain's 5G network. 

April 24: The story appears in the Daily Telegraph. It says Mrs May approved the decision despite security concerns raised by ministers at the meeting. 

April 25: Mr Williamson denies that he or his team had leaked the story. 

Labour demands an official investigation into the leak, which Sajid Javid calls 'completely unacceptable'. 

April 28: Sir Mark Sedwill's leak inquiry is under way, as Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt says he has been quizzed.

May 1: Mr Williamson is sacked after the PM says she has 'compelling evidence' that he was responsible. 

The sacked minister 'strenuously denies' being behind the leak. 

Penny Mordaunt is named as his replacement at the MoD.  

May 4: Scotland Yard says it will not launch a criminal probe into the leak. 

Mr Williamson fires back at Mrs May saying he was the victim of a 'slapdash witch-hunt'.  

He said: 'The PM has spoken about compelling evidence. Well, I'd like to see it. Publish the report and so everyone can make a judgment

'Whatever this report is, it's slipshod and slapdash. It would be rather nice if a professional organisation or independent individuals carried out another one. 

'This whole affair hasn't been about trying to find the real culprit who leaked what was said at that meeting. It has been a game of politics, it's been about settling scores and trying to prove the Prime Minister's political strength.'

Mr Williamson said the leak affair had been 'badly mishandled' by both the PM and chief civil servant Sir Mark Sedwill. 

As the rift between the PM and her former minister worsened, Mr Williamson was yesterday accused of spreading rumours about her health. 

He was allegedly heard saying earlier this year that her Type 1 diabetes meant she was incapable of serving as Prime Minister. 

The claim infuriated Mrs May's allies, who say she is in robust health despite having to inject herself with

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