Scotland Yard detectives who bungled Stephen Lawrence murder case are probed ...

Life cut short: A-level student Stephen Lawrence was 18 when he was stabbed to death in 1993

Life cut short: A-level student Stephen Lawrence was 18 when he was stabbed to death in 1993

Two former Scotland Yard detectives have been interviewed under caution over alleged criminal offences in the bungled original Stephen Lawrence murder investigation.

Retired Detective Superintendent Ian Crampton, in charge for the first three days of the inquiry, and retired Detective Chief Superintendent William Ilsley, who supervised him, were questioned this week over claims they committed misconduct in public office during the initial stages of the probe.

It follows a multi-million-pound investigation by the National Crime Agency – Britain’s version of the FBI – into why officers in charge of the first Met investigation into 18-year-old Stephen’s murder in 1993 did not make arrests for two weeks, despite officers repeatedly being given the names of suspects.

Two other senior officers involved in the widely criticised first investigation – retired Detective Superintendent Brian Weeden and retired Detective Inspector Ben Bullock – are due to be questioned under caution for alleged misconduct in public office in the coming weeks.

All four former officers strenuously deny committing any offences, with supporters claiming they are victims of a ‘politically motivated witch-hunt’.

Stephen’s campaigning parents, Doreen and Neville Lawrence, say a series of shocking errors in the early stages of the first murder investigation cheated them of ‘complete’ justice. 

Two ex-Scotland Yard detectives have been interviewed under caution over alleged criminal offences in the bungled original Stephen Lawrence murder investigation - including retired Detective Superintendent Ian Crampton (pictured)

Mr Crampton, in charge for the first three days of the inquiry, and retired Detective Chief Superintendent William Ilsley (pictured), who supervised him, were questioned this week over claims they committed misconduct in public office during initial stages of the probe

Two ex-Scotland Yard detectives have been interviewed under caution over alleged criminal offences in the bungled original Stephen Lawrence murder investigation. Retired Detective Superintendent Ian Crampton (left), in charge for the first three days of the inquiry, and retired Detective Chief Superintendent William Ilsley (right), who supervised him, were questioned this week over claims they committed misconduct in public office during initial stages of the probe

Two other senior officers involved in the widely criticised first investigation – retired Detective Superintendent Brian Weeden and retired Detective Inspector Ben Bullock (pictured) – are due to be questioned under caution for alleged misconduct in public office in the coming weeks

Retired Detective Superintendent Brian Weeden (pictured)

Two other senior officers involved in the widely criticised first investigation – retired Detective Superintendent Brian Weeden (right) and retired Detective Inspector Ben Bullock (left) – are due to be questioned under caution for alleged misconduct in public office in the coming weeks

Baroness Lawrence said last night: ‘I am pleased that finally after so many years, senior police officers who were involved in investigating Stephen’s murder are being put under scrutiny and questioned about their conduct. It is high time that someone is held accountable for what happened.’

A file on the misconduct allegations is expected to be submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service, which will decide whether

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