Ebbw Vale couple faces £20,000 vet bill after their cockapoo was attacked

Ebbw Vale couple faces £20,000 vet bill after their cockapoo was attacked
Ebbw Vale couple faces £20,000 vet bill after their cockapoo was attacked

A couple are willing to remortgage their house after getting a staggering £20,000 bill to save their cockapoo called Cooper after he was savaged by a bull terrier.

Six-year-old Cooper's neck was ripped open, his jaw was severed and he faces the prospect of being castrated due to his massive groin injuries, said distraught owner Nikki Powell.

Ms Powell said: 'At the end of the day, Cooper's our family. Me and my husband have both been married before and had children before but don't have any children together so he really is our baby.

Nikki Powell, left, and her husband David, right, face having to remortgage their home after their dog Cooper, centre, was savaged by a bull terrier

Nikki Powell, left, and her husband David, right, face having to remortgage their home after their dog Cooper, centre, was savaged by a bull terrier 

Cooper suffered massive injuries when he was set upon by the larger dog near  his home in Ebbw Vale, South Wales

Cooper suffered massive injuries when he was set upon by the larger dog near  his home in Ebbw Vale, South Wales

Cooper had to be rushed to a specialist veterinary hospital more than 80 miles away for emergency treatment

Cooper had to be rushed to a specialist veterinary hospital more than 80 miles away for emergency treatment

'We made a decision that as long as Cooper had a fighting chance it didn't matter what the cost implications were, we would find the additional money even if it meant re-mortgaging the house.'

Despite having pet insurance, and paying upwards of £65 a month, Ms Powell and husband David James, of Brynmawr, Ebbw Vale, South Wales, found the policy only covers the first £7,000 of the treatment. 

The treatment so far has exceeded the policy limit and Ms Powell has been warned that the final total could exceed £20,000. 

A friend has set up a GoFundMe page for the family which has elicited donations of more than £4,500 from across the globe.  

Ms Powell said: 'We were completely blown away. We sat there in floods of tears reading all the messages of support. We were humbled and overwhelmed

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