New tool lets teenagers request naked photos and videos are removed from online

New tool lets teenagers request naked photos and videos are removed from online
New tool lets teenagers request naked photos and videos are removed from online
New tool lets teenagers request naked photos and videos are removed from online - as charity reveals up to 38,000 nude selfies were posted by under 18s in UK in first three months of 2021 The tool has been created by the Internet Watch Foundation and Childline  It will allow under 18s to report and remove images of themselves posted online  Comes as statistics show huge increase in nude selfies being posted online  



People under 18 can now use an online tool to help them remove nude images or videos of themselves from the internet after thousands of pictures were posted online in the first three months of the year. 

Created by the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and Childline, the online tool aims to help children who have been groomed, or who have had partners who have posted images of them online. 

The tool is a world first, according to the IWF, who will use it to screen images and try to remove them from the internet if they break the law. 

People under the age of 18 can now use the report remove tool on the NSPCC's Childline service's website. 

Revenge porn: What is the law in the UK? 

Revenge porn laws came into affect in the UK in 2015 as part of the Criminal Justice and Court Act. 

The Act makes it a criminal offence for a person to: 'disclose a private sexual photograph or film if the disclosure is made (a) without the consent of the individual who appears, and (b) with the intention of causing that individual distress'. 

It means those who maliciously share sexually explicit images without the subject's consent could face up to two years in prison.

The law covers the sharing of images both on and offline. Images

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