Councils could refuse to licence bars and clubs in bid to reduce ...

Councils could refuse to licence bars and clubs in bid to reduce ...
Councils could refuse to licence bars and clubs in bid to reduce ...
Councils could refuse to licence bars and clubs in bid to reduce the number of alcohol-related hospital admissions The LGa has called for public health to be one consideration for alcohol licences Also called for councils to have access to hospital admissions to make decisions Alcohol misuse estimated to cost the National Health Service £3.5billion a year LGA said public health, including infectious diseases, should also be a factor 


Councils could refuse to licence bars and clubs in a bid to reduce the number of alcohol-related hospital admissions.  

The Local Government Association (LGA) has called for the public health issue to be added to the factors councils consider when granting licences. 

It would see councils consider whether to grant a licence based on whether it would contribute to, or exacerbate, 'existing public health issues'.     

The LGA has also called for councils to have access to hospital admission and ambulance call-out data to make better informed licensing decisions. 

Councils could refuse to licence bars and clubs in a bid to reduce the number of alcohol-related hospital admissions

Councils could refuse to licence bars and clubs in a bid to reduce the number of alcohol-related hospital admissions

Alcohol misuse is estimated to cost the NHS £3.5billion a year and there are fears consumption is on the rise due to 'lockdown drinking'

Alcohol misuse is estimated to cost the NHS £3.5billion a year and there are fears consumption is on the rise due to 'lockdown drinking'

Alcohol misuse is estimated to cost the NHS £3.5billion a year and there are fears consumption is on the rise due to 'lockdown drinking'.

The LGA said additional costs caused by overconsumption fell on services, police, and businesses, the Telegraph reported.   

The LGA has also called for the possible spread of infectious diseases to be added to the list under public health as part of an overhaul of the the Licensing Act.

Councils currently consider four issues - public safety, prevention of public nuisance, protection of children from harm, and the prevention of crime and disorder.

The LGA said councils do not want to 'refuse every application' but highlighted the importance of being 'better prepared to deal with a future pandemic'.  

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