Former US Attorney in Atlanta tells Congress he resigned before could ...

Former US Attorney in Atlanta tells Congress he resigned before could ...
Former US Attorney in Atlanta tells Congress he resigned before Trump could ...
Former US Attorney in Atlanta tells Congress he resigned before Trump could fire him for refusing to say there was election fraud in Georgia Byung Pak resigned suddenly as US attorney in Atlanta on Jan. 4 On Wednesday, he told the Senate Judiciary Committee he had been warned that President Trump planned to fire him He said senior officials warned him he was to be removed for failing to back Trump's claims of voter fraud in Georgia, reported the New York Times The committee is investigating Trump's final days in office and his efforts to hold on to power


Byung J. Pak told congressional investigators on Wednesday that he resigned abruptly as a U.S. attorney in Atlanta after he was warned President Donald Trump intended to fire him for refusing to say that voter fraud had been found in Georgia.

Pak delivered three hours of closed-door testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, according to the New York Times.  

A source familiar with his testimony said Pak explained how he had done his best 'to be thoughtful and consistent, and to provide justice for my fellow citizens in a fair, effective and efficient manner.'

His comments go some way to clearing up the mystery behind his sudden departure on Jan 4, and come amid a slew of reports about how Trump sought to pressure officials in Georgia  and at the Department of Justice in Washington over the results of the election. 

Byung Pak resigned suddenly on Jan. 4 as a U.S. attorney in Atlanta. He gave evidence about his decision behind closed doors to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday

Byung Pak resigned suddenly on Jan. 4 as a U.S. attorney in Atlanta. He gave evidence about his decision behind closed doors to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday

Pak told the committee he resigned because he had been warned President Trump planned to fire him for failing to back his election fraud claims, according to the New York Times

Pak told the committee he resigned because he had been warned President Trump planned to fire him for

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