DAN WOOTTON: Boris's Corbyn-lite agenda has proved he's a Tory In Name Only

DAN WOOTTON: Boris's Corbyn-lite agenda has proved he's a Tory In Name Only
DAN WOOTTON: Boris's Corbyn-lite agenda has proved he's a Tory In Name Only

Donald Trump famously branded his internal party critics as RINOs – Republicans In Name Only.

Today I am prepared to label Boris Johnson and his toothless cabinet TINOs – Tories In Name Only.

Under his leadership, the PM has overseen the complete demolition of Conservative policies and values, many under the guise of a global health emergency.

Brits' civil liberties and freedoms have been stripped, in favour of draconian regulations, police powers and a disturbing march towards a biosecurity state.

Our ability to drive diesel and petrol cars, travel at will and even have a gas boiler are under threat because of the so-called 'climate emergency' pushed by extremists like Greta Thunberg and the Extinction Rebellion.

Today I am prepared to label Boris Johnson and his toothless cabinet TINOs – Tories In Name Only

Today I am prepared to label Boris Johnson and his toothless cabinet TINOs – Tories In Name Only

Even freedom of speech is being stamped out through a series of nanny state laws.

Pledges to clip the wings of the out-of-control BBC are a distant memory and Channel 4 remains government owned.

But this week is likely to see the biggest betrayal of all.

In what could amount to signing his political death warrant, Boris is planning to break his famous 2019 election promise on tax rises.

You know, the promise that got him elected with a huge margin against all odds, destroying Labour's Red Wall in the process.

Back then Boris pledged: 'I guarantee we will not raise the rate of income tax, VAT or National Insurance.'

No ifs, buts, or maybes. It was a cast iron promise.

In his first speech as Prime Minister he had previously claimed: 'I am announcing now, on the steps of Downing Street, that we will fix the crisis in social care once and for all with a clear plan we have prepared.'

Forget the threat of a reshuffle, that minister and all those that feel the same way should offer their resignations tonight. The chancellor Rishi Sunak must tell the prime minister he will go, too.

Forget the threat of a reshuffle, that minister and all those that feel the same way should offer their resignations tonight. The chancellor Rishi Sunak must tell the prime minister he will go, too.

But there was no 'clear plan' and that's why the PM and his new health secretary Sajid Javid have cajoled the reluctant chancellor into agreeing to a 1.25 per cent National Insurance hike, which could be announced as early as tomorrow.

The extra money raised from hardworking British workers via increased National Insurance won't even be initially used to fund social care, as is eventually intended.

Instead, for the first three years the £10 billion raised will go down the blackhole that is the NHS budget, with the stated aim of clearing the post-pandemic waiting list. That's on top of an extra £5.5 billion Boris is expected to commit to the NHS this week.

Three former Tory chancellors – Philip Hammond, Ken Clarke and Norman Lamont – have spoken out publicly against the

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