Cancer faker Hanna Dickinson has jail time extended after being caught in ...

Cancer faker Hanna Dickinson has jail time extended after being caught in ...
Cancer faker Hanna Dickinson has jail time extended after being caught in ...
Con artist and cancer faker who lied about being terminally ill to swindle more than $100,000 from taxpayers will spend LONGER in jail after more of her lies were uncovered Hanna Dickinson is in jail for swindling $100,000 for fake cancer treatment Dickinson, 28, was jailed for 12 months last November over the elaborate scam On Thursday she was given another four month sentence in a Melbourne court Dickinson had faked a reference letter from her employer to use in court 


Hanna Dickinson, 28, told her loved ones about she had a rare form of cancer and fraudulently obtained more than $100,000 in Disability Support Pension benefits between January 2014 and October 2018

Hanna Dickinson, 28, told her loved ones about she had a rare form of cancer and fraudulently obtained more than $100,000 in Disability Support Pension benefits between January 2014 and October 2018 

A cancer scammer who was jailed for lying about being terminally ill will spend even longer behind bars after she was caught in another fabrication.

Hanna Dickinson, 28, told her loved ones she had a rare form of cancer and fraudulently obtained more than $100,000 in Disability Support Pension benefits between January 2014 and October 2018. 

She was sentenced to 12 months behind bars in November last year and on Thursday was given another four-month sentence after pleading guilty to making a false document at the Melbourne Magistrates Court.

Dickinson forged a fake reference letter from her manager at aged and disability support service HenderCare to use in court, the Herald Sun reported.

Her manager had no knowledge the reference had been attributed to her or used in a court plea during February last year after Dickinson pretended to be

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