King who? Poll's shock winner as little-known Athelstan is named our top ...

King who? Poll's shock winner as little-known Athelstan is named our top ...
King who? Poll's shock winner as little-known Athelstan is named our top ...
King who? Poll's shock winner as little-known Athelstan is named our top monarch History buffs cast 84,000 votes in poll run by Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook on their podcast The Rest Is History Mr Holland said: ’ It’s like Emma Raducanu going all the way at the US Open'


England's greatest monarch – you might think it’s a penalty shoot-out between the two Elizabeths and Victoria. But then there’s the Henrys V and VIII to consider.

But Athelstan? Really?

Wouldn’t a few people suspect that’s the name of a former Soviet socialist republic?

Indeed not, the Anglo-Saxon’s been declared the winner of a poll run by historians Tom Holland and Dominic Sandbrook on their podcast, The Rest Is History.

King of kings: Athelstan is tops

King of kings: Athelstan is tops

It saw 84,000 votes cast by history buffs as monarchs throughout the centuries competed in a knockout tournament.

Athelstan was the king who defeated the Vikings and united England for the first time.

But despite his considerable achievements, relatively few people have heard of him.

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