Russians secretly denounce Putin's 'Billy Graham meets Kim Jong-Un' pro-war ...

Russians secretly denounce Putin's 'Billy Graham meets Kim Jong-Un' pro-war ...
Russians secretly denounce Putin's 'Billy Graham meets Kim Jong-Un' pro-war ...

Vladimir Putin's tub-thumping speech yesterday was likened to 'Billy Graham meets North Korea' by a Russian commentator, a reference to both the American Christian evangelist and Kim Jong-un's propagandising rallies, while the YouTube live stream of the rally was flooded with critical comments.

Tens of thousands of flag-waving Russians packed out Moscow's Luzhniki World Cup stadium on Friday as the despot attempted to drum up support for his stalled invasion of Ukraine, peddled debunked claims about why the war started and shilled a false narrative of Russia's battlefield 'success'.

However, speaking to journalists outside the stadium, some said they were government workers who had been pressured to come, and were bussed to the event. Others were students who were told they could have a day off from lectures if they attended 'a concert'.

In one video, as a reporter attempted to film the crowds outside the stadium, attendees were seen turning their backs to the camera in an attempt to hide their faces.

Several Telegram channels critical of the Kremlin reported that students and employees of state institutions in a number of regions were ordered by their superiors to attend rallies and concerts marking the Crimea anniversary. Those reports could not be independently verified. 

Meanwhile, whoever set up a live stream of the event on YouTube did not turn the comment section off, meaning thousands of negative comments towards the event - written in Russian - flooded the page, as did blue and yellow heart emojis - the colours of Ukraine's flag.

In his speech, Putin quoted the Bible's book of John, praising his troops in Ukraine. 'The words from the sacred scripture come to my mind: "There is no greater love than if someone laid down his life for his friends,"' he said.

The event was heavily anti-Western and filled with Soviet nostalgia, as Russian authorities ramped up patriotism in response to being hit by massive international sanctions for Putin's Ukraine campaign, which has stalled thanks to fierce resistance. Thousands of Russian soldiers have been killed.

Putin's rally was quickly likened to similar massive marches held by North Korea's dictator Kim Jong-Un, which are said to be attended by citizens who are given no other choice, as well as the massive evangelical rallies hosted by American minister Billy Graham in America.

One Russian commentator called the event 'Billy Graham meets North Korea', according to The Daily Telegraph. 

In the wake of the invasion, the Kremlin has cracked down harder on dissent and the flow of information, arresting thousands of antiwar protesters, banning sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and handing out tough prison sentences for what it says is false reporting on the war, which Moscow refers to as a 'special military operation.'

The OVD-Info rights group that monitors political arrests reported that at least seven independent journalists had been detained ahead of or while covering the anniversary events in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

There we also other signs that not was all as it seemed. There were reports on twitter suggesting some of the footage used of the rally was old footage from another video from 2021.  

And a bizarre moment in the speech came when Putin suddenly disappeared from news feeds in mid-sentence - replaced by a band that was mid-way through singing, perhaps suggesting his address was not broadcast live. 

Putin spoke in front of a crowd tens of thousands strong at the Luzhniki World Cup stadium in Moscow, one of the few times he has been seen in public since launching his invasion 23 days ago

Putin spoke in front of a crowd tens of thousands strong at the Luzhniki World Cup stadium in Moscow, one of the few times he has been seen in public since launching his invasion 23 days ago

Vladimir Putin gave a a tub-thumping address yesterday to tens of thousands of Russians gathered at Moscow's world cup stadium, celebrating his invasion of Ukraine in 2014 and drumming up support for his new war

Putin fans in the crowd were seen waving banners emblazoned with the letter 'Z', which has been adopted as a symbol of the invasion and the Kremlin's wider aim of restoring national pride through conquest

Putin fans in the crowd were seen waving banners emblazoned with the letter 'Z', which has been adopted as a symbol of the invasion and the Kremlin's wider aim of restoring national pride through conquest

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un waves at the crowd during a military parade at Kim Il-sung Square in Pyongyang, North Korea, September 9 2021 (file photo)

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un waves at the crowd during a military parade at Kim Il-sung Square in Pyongyang, North Korea, September 9 2021 (file photo)

Pictured: Reverend Billy Graham speaks to a huge congregation at an open-air meeting in London's Trafalgar Square, during his Greater London Crusade Tour in 1954

Pictured: Reverend Billy Graham speaks to a huge congregation at an open-air meeting in London's Trafalgar Square, during his Greater London Crusade Tour in 1954

The despot took to the stage dressed in a £10,000 Loro Piana jacket - despite his country's economy crumbling under the weight of Western sanctions - to address a crowd waving Russian national flags and banners marked with the letter 'Z', which has become a potent symbol of the invasion. 

Putin, who called the rally to mark the anniversary of the last time he attacked Ukraine to annex the Crimea region, spoke of sharing a 'common destiny' with Crimeans, of 'de-Nazifying' the region in 2014, and of the 'bravery' of soldiers currently fighting in Ukraine. He was met with chants of 'Russia, Russia, Russia.' 

Speaking in front of banners that read 'For a world without Nazism' and 'For Russia' - with the letter 'Z' in each picked out in bold - he said: 'Sevastopol [capital of Crimea] did the right thing when they put up a barrier to neo-Nazis and radicals, which is already happening on other territories. 

'[The] people of Donbass also disagreed with this, and straight-away they organised military operations against [the Nazis]. They were surrounded and shelled by guns, the Ukrainians sent airstrikes against them. This is called genocide,' he said, repeating his widely-debunked justification for attacking.  'It is to save people from this suffering and genocide that we launched our military operation.' 

Putin then praised troops taking part in his 'special operation', who he said are fighting for the 'universal values' of all Russians. The words 'we don't abandon our own' were emblazoned on screens around the stadium. Paraphrasing the Bible, he said: 'There is no greater love than giving up one's soul for one's friends.

'The best confirmation of this is how our guys are fighting during this operation, shoulder to shoulder, helping each other. When it is necessary, they cover each-other as if it was their own brother from bullets. We haven't had such unity in a long time,' he said.  

Putin used the rally to peddle falsehoods about why the war started and to shill a narrative of Russia's battlefield success, speaking of 'how our guys are fighting during this operation, shoulder to shoulder, helping each other'

Putin used the rally to peddle falsehoods about why the war started and to shill a narrative of Russia's battlefield success, speaking of 'how our guys are fighting during this operation, shoulder to shoulder, helping each other'

Putin called the rally to mark the eighth anniversary of 'annexing' Crimea, speaking of 'de-Nazifying' the peninsula and of debunked claims of 'genocide' in the Donbass

Putin called the rally to mark the eighth anniversary of 'annexing' Crimea, speaking of 'de-Nazifying' the peninsula and of debunked claims of 'genocide' in the Donbass

A Russian man gestures towards the stage during a rally in Moscow's World Cup stadium to support Putin's war on Ukraine, even as his armed forces shell civilian areas of cities

A Russian man gestures towards the stage during a rally in Moscow's World Cup stadium to support Putin's war on Ukraine, even as his armed forces shell civilian areas of cities

Rally attendees wave Russian flags alongside flags bearing the 'Z' symbol, which has become a potent sign of support for the invasion because it is frequently seen painted on symbols

Rally attendees wave Russian flags alongside flags bearing the 'Z' symbol, which has become a potent sign of support for the invasion because it is frequently seen painted on symbols

Two banners reading 'For a world without Nazism' and 'For Russia' - each with the letter 'Z' picked out in bold - are seen above the stage as Vladimir Putin arrives to speak to the crowd

Two banners reading 'For a world without Nazism' and 'For Russia' - each with the letter 'Z' picked out in bold - are seen above the stage as Vladimir Putin arrives to speak to the crowd

Putin is attempting to rally domestic support in Russia to his cause, having faced near-total condemnation from other nations and isolation even from his allies

Putin is attempting to rally domestic support in Russia to his cause, having faced near-total condemnation from other nations and isolation even from his allies

Russian flags are seen waving inside the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, alongside 'Z' banners supporting the war in Ukraine during a rally held by President Putin

Russian flags are seen waving inside the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, alongside 'Z' banners supporting the war in Ukraine during a rally held by President Putin

Putin waves to supporters after finishing speaking during a pro-war rally held on Friday afternoon, in a rare public appearance since the fighting began

Putin waves to supporters after finishing speaking during a pro-war rally held on Friday afternoon, in a rare public appearance since the fighting began

People Russian flags during a concert marking eight years since Russia last attacked Ukraine, at Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium

People Russian flags during a concert marking eight years since Russia last attacked Ukraine, at Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium

Putin has faced intense international pressure over his war and disquiet at home, and appears to be trying to bolster his support by hosting mass rallies

Putin has faced intense international pressure over his war and disquiet at home, and appears to be trying to bolster his support by hosting mass rallies

Putin delivers a speech during a concert marking the eighth anniversary of Russia's annexation of Crimea

Putin delivers a speech during a concert marking the eighth anniversary of Russia's annexation of Crimea

While thousands of attendees appeared to be genuine fans of Putin, others said they were government workers pressured to come or believed they were going to a concert

While thousands of attendees appeared to be genuine fans of Putin, others said they were government workers pressured to come or believed they were going to a concert


'For a world without Nazism' and 'For Russia' - with the letter 'Z' in each picked out in bold - he said: 'Sevastopol [capital of Crimea] did the right thing when they put up a barrier to neo-Nazis and radicals, which is already happening on other territories. 

'[The] people of Donbass also disagreed with this, and straight-away they organised military operations against [the Nazis]. They were surrounded and shelled by guns, the Ukrainians sent airstrikes against them. This is called genocide,' he said, repeating his widely-debunked justification for attacking.  'It is to save people from this suffering and genocide that we launched our military operation.'  

'There is no greater love than giving up one's soul for one's friends.

'The best confirmation of this is how our guys are fighting during this operation, shoulder to shoulder, helping each other. When it is necessary, they cover each-other as if it was their own brother from bullets. We haven't had such unity in a long time,' he said. 

'It so happened that the start of the special operation coincided, quite by chance, with the birthday of one of our outstanding military leaders, the sainted Fyodor Ushakov, who throughout his brilliant military career never lost a battle,' said Putin.

'He once said: 'These thunderstorms will go to the glory of Russia'. So it was then. So it is today. And so it will always be.'


The event included patriotic songs, including a performance of 'Made in the U.S.S.R.,' with the opening lines 'Ukraine and Crimea, Belarus and Moldova, it's all my country.' Moscow police said 200,000 people had attended the event - though the stadium's capacity is only 81,000.  

In a segment of the speech that was initially cut off - but later broadcast on state TV - Putin likened himself to Russian hero Admiral Fyodor Ushakov who famously never lost a battle, in an apparent attempt to boast of his 'successes' in Ukraine which in reality has turned into a bloodbath.

'It so happened that the start of the special operation coincided, quite by chance, with the birthday of one of our outstanding military leaders, the sainted Fyodor Ushakov, who throughout his brilliant military career never lost a battle,' said Putin.

'He once said: 'These thunderstorms will go to the glory of Russia'. So it was then. So it is today. And so it will always be.'

Ushakov was the supreme Russian commander of his age during the reigns of Catherinne the Great, her son Pavel, and grandson Alexandr I.  

The event was held after Russian airstrikes pounded the city of Lviv in the west of Ukraine this morning, with Russia strikes getting closer to NATO-member Poland in Putin's bloody-minded invasion of his neighbour.

Andriy Sadovyi, mayor of Lviv, said two Russian missiles launched from the Black Sea - likely by warships - had destroyed an aircraft repair facility and a bus garage close to the airport, but there were no immediate reports of casualties because both facilities were shut down. Four incoming missiles were shot down, he added. 

Lviv has largely been spared the devastation wreaked by Russia on cities further to the east but is now being dragged into the fighting as Putin's advance grinds to a halt - forcing his generals to launch long-range strikes on cities in an attempt to weaken their defences and terrorise civilians. Kyiv was also struck in the early hours. 

Vladimir Putin used the speech to peddle falsehoods about the last time he attacked Ukraine in 2014, and to repeat lies he has told about the current war - which he continued to call a 'special military operation'

Vladimir Putin used the speech to peddle falsehoods about the last time he attacked Ukraine in 2014, and to repeat lies he has told about the current war - which he continued to call a 'special military operation'

People watch a broadcast of Russian President Vladimir Putin's speech during a concert in Moscow on Friday

People watch a broadcast of Russian President Vladimir Putin's speech during a concert in Moscow on Friday

People hold a banner with letter Z and saying 'For Russia' during the pro-war rally in Moscow on Friday

People hold a banner with letter Z and saying 'For Russia' during the pro-war rally in Moscow on Friday

Banners read 'Russia' 'Donbass' 'Crimea' and 'For President' as crowds watch a recording of Vladimir Putin's speech

Banners read 'Russia' 'Donbass' 'Crimea' and 'For President' as crowds watch a recording of Vladimir Putin's speech

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech to crowds inside Moscow's World Cup stadium on Friday

Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech to crowds inside Moscow's World Cup stadium on Friday

A military choir performs during a rally in support of Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine in Moscow on Friday

A military choir performs during a rally in support of Vladimir Putin's war on Ukraine in Moscow on Friday

Russian President Vladimir Putin is seen on a big screen as he delivers his speech at the concert marking the eighth anniversary of the referendum on the state status of Crimea and Sevastopol and its reunification with Russia, in Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 18, 2022

Russian President Vladimir Putin is seen on a big screen as he delivers his speech at the concert marking the eighth anniversary of the referendum on the state status of Crimea and Sevastopol and its reunification with Russia, in Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 18, 2022

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a concert marking the last time he invaded Ukraine, back in 2014

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a concert marking the last time he invaded Ukraine, back in 2014

Pictured: Hosts wear a 'Z' on their coats as they present the celebration event. The 'Z' has become a symbol of pro-Russian nationalism since Putin launched his brutal invasion, as it is painted on many of Moscow's military vehicles

Pictured: Hosts wear a 'Z' on their coats as they present the celebration event. The 'Z' has become a symbol of pro-Russian nationalism since Putin launched his brutal invasion, as it is painted on many of Moscow's military vehicles

The made-for-TV rally in Moscow is intended to drum up support for Putin's war, which has been internationally condemned

The made-for-TV rally in Moscow is intended to drum up support for Putin's war, which has been internationally condemned

Supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin hold flags and cheer during a pro-war rally in the capital Moscow

Supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin hold flags and cheer during a pro-war rally in the capital Moscow

Pictured: Crowds are seen outside the stadium on Friday. Moscow police said more than 200,000 people were in and around the Luzhniki stadium for the rally

Pictured: Crowds are seen outside the stadium on Friday. Moscow police said more than 200,000 people were in and around the Luzhniki stadium for the rally

Russia's invasion is now grinding into

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