Climate change activists want 'climate emergency', chain selves to White House ...

Climate change activists want 'climate emergency', chain selves to White House ...
Climate change activists want 'climate emergency', chain selves to White House ...
Activists demanding Biden declare 'climate emergency' chain themselves to White House fence - one with a bike lock to show opposition to cars - as weary Secret Service agents arrest some, warning onlookers 'Take this as lesson learned, buddy!' Activists chained themselves to the White House fence on Wednesday They demanded that President Biden declare a 'climate emergency'   One had attached herself to the fence with a bike lock around her neck Another inside a PVC tube on the other side of the White House fence Secret Service cut down protesters from the fence, pushed back the crowds, cleared the area, and arrested those who resisted


Several activists were arrested after chaining themselves to the White House fence Wednesday afternoon, demanding that President Biden declare a 'climate emergency' over shifting global temperatures. 

Photos and video posted to social media show Secret Service officers responding to the area where at least five climate activists, including scientist Rose Abramoff, had chained themselves to the fence, drawing a crowd. 

The agents pushed the crowds back as they cleared the White House grounds and Lafayette Park. 

Agents cut the chains some of the activists used to secure themselves to the fences and hauled them off to jail.    

Climate activists chained themselves to the White House fence Wednesday, demanding that President Biden declare a 'climate emergency' over shifting global temperatures

Climate activists chained themselves to the White House fence Wednesday, demanding that President Biden declare a 'climate emergency'

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