Britain STOLE fish and chips and should clear off to pray for 'moss-covered' ...

Britain STOLE fish and chips and should clear off to pray for 'moss-covered' ...
Britain STOLE fish and chips and should clear off to pray for 'moss-covered' ...
Britain STOLE fish and chips and should clear off from Europe to 'eat their porridge' and pray for their 'moss-covered' Queen, say Putin's ranting talking heads in hilarious tirade on Russian state TV Britain is 'the evil head of the NATO dragon', pro-Kremlin MP says in angry tirade Putin ally: UK is one of the mad ones and Brits stole fish and chips from Russia Andrey Isayev added: 'Even during World War Two, England created trouble' TV presenters look at him with confusion as he ends rant: 'Eat your porridge!'  Isayev, 50, was sacked as ruling party's deputy leader after drunk plane brawl State TV hosts have slammed 'boorish Britain' and advised nuclear attack on UK 'One Sarmat missile and the British Isles will be no more', they boasted yesterday


This is the darkly funny moment an MP from Putin's ruling party tells the UK to 'clear off and eat porridge' before accusing Britain of stealing fish and chips from Russia.

Andrey Isayev, 50, also told Brits to 'pray for your moss-covered Queen' in the bizarre tirade on main TV channel Russia 1 on Friday.

The incredible comments came during a heated discussion on the Kremlin's humiliating failed invasion of Ukraine

United Russia politician Isayev began his remarks by saying Britain and Poland are 'the mad ones' of NATO. The Western alliance is a 'two-headed dragon', he added, and 'Britain is the more evil head'.

Isayev (left) directed his  vague, darkly hilarious comments at UK politicians including Liz Truss

Isayev (left) directed his  vague, darkly hilarious comments at UK politicians including Liz Truss

Even the Russia 1 presenters looked baffled as Isayev launched into Britain. 

He slandered the country's wartime record, stating without elaboration: 'Even during World War Two, England created trouble.'


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