The Prime Minister caught not following safety regulations while on worksite

The Prime Minister caught not following safety regulations while on worksite
The Prime Minister caught not following safety regulations while on worksite
Scott Morrison gets on the tools but makes ANOTHER dangerous error – so can you see why tradies are losing it? The Prime Minister makes blunder while showing off his skills on the worksite  Morrison operates a machine without the proper protective safety equipment  It is not the first time he has been caught putting himself and others at risk  


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been captured in an embarrassing yet dangerous video on social media. 

Mr Morrison was visiting a worksite last month and had been given permission to operate a Mitre Drop Saw.

But what he did next would have came as a shock.  

He can be seen starting up the drop saw and continuing to cut a piece of wood - without wearing proper Personal Protective Equipment. 

The video which was posted on TikTok has already received 2.9 million views.

Scott Morrison (pictured) can be seen starting up the drop saw without wearing proper Personal Protective Equipment.

Scott Morrison (pictured) can be seen starting up the drop saw without wearing proper Personal Protective Equipment.

Scott Morrison (pictured) received criticism over his lack of safety in the TikTok video which has had 2.9 million views

Scott Morrison (pictured) received criticism over his lack of safety in the TikTok video which has had 2.9 million views

His lack of safety and proper training to operate the machine - generated a vast array of comments as a result.  

One person claimed he was 'surprised he didn't cut his

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