Monday 9 May 2022 01:14 PM Civil servants warned their passes will be tracked to make sure they come in to ... trends now

Monday 9 May 2022 01:14 PM Civil servants warned their passes will be tracked to make sure they come in to ... trends now
Monday 9 May 2022 01:14 PM Civil servants warned their passes will be tracked to make sure they come in to ... trends now

Monday 9 May 2022 01:14 PM Civil servants warned their passes will be tracked to make sure they come in to ... trends now

Treasury staff have been warned their passes will be tracked to make sure they come into the office as part of the latest attempt to force civil servants back into Whitehall. 

Chancellor Rishi Sunak, who leads the department, has made it clear he expects his officials to be in the office at least some of the time, but has not yet dictated a minimum.  

Meanwhile, it has emerged the Bank of England is only requiring its employees to be in the office one day a week - demonstrating the uphill battle facing ministers who have been trying to persuade mandarins to kick their WFH habit.  

The Bank of England is only requiring its employees to be in the office one day a week, it also emerged today

The Bank of England is only requiring its employees to be in the office one day a week, it also emerged today

The Treasury is believed to be the only department to announce it will monitor its staff using their security passes, the Telegraph reported. 

Although it says it has seen a 'significant increase' in office occupancy, it appears to have accepted many staff will continue on a hybrid model - with job adverts for senior roles stating that applicants would be required to come in between 40 and 60 per cent of the time. 

Meanwhile, the Bank of England is planning to increase the amount of time staff are required to come in to 40 per cent from next month, with plans to eventually increase this to 50 per cent. 

Catherine Mann, who is on the Bank's monetary policy committee, said last year that videos were unable to replicate the spontaneous office conservations that were important for securing recognition and advancement. 

She warned women risk hurting their careers if they continue to work remotely while others return to the workplace.

City regulator the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is also experiencing low office occupancy rates, and is trialling a 'hybrid working' model until August that requires staff to be in the office just two days a week. 

Jacob Rees-Mogg, who serves as minister for Whitehall efficiency, has been leading the government's WFH campaign - even leaving notes on civil servants' desks when they are out of office

Jacob Rees-Mogg, who serves as minister for Whitehall efficiency, has been leading the government's WFH campaign - even leaving notes on civil servants' desks when they are out of office

Jacob Rees-Mogg, who serves as minister

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