Monday 6 June 2022 07:28 AM 'Shadow' Covid vaccine mandates continue to keep thousands of Aussies out of ... trends now

Monday 6 June 2022 07:28 AM 'Shadow' Covid vaccine mandates continue to keep thousands of Aussies out of ... trends now
Monday 6 June 2022 07:28 AM 'Shadow' Covid vaccine mandates continue to keep thousands of Aussies out of ... trends now

Monday 6 June 2022 07:28 AM 'Shadow' Covid vaccine mandates continue to keep thousands of Aussies out of ... trends now

Covid vaccine mandates are still wreaking havoc on the lives of thousands of Australians who refuse to get the jab - as they industries they come from struggle with shortages of skilled worker. 

While jab requirements have mostly been abolished for all but 'high risk' settings, many companies and organisations are enforcing 'shadow' mandates by simply refusing to hire un-jabbed workers.

Some of those affected told Daily Mail Australia they've either lost their job or felt 'coerced' into getting  vaccinated. 

Others who were able to stay employed revealed they've been 'excluded' and 'ostracised' by their colleagues.

Michelle Richards, 39, was booted from her job as a contracted music and drama teacher at a school an hour north of Townsville, Queensland.

The mother of four fiercely opposes vaccines, and believes they have side effects.

'I've been on this bandwagon for about 15 years and always used natural alternatives. My kids don't even have a GP record,' she said.

'I was a really active parent and teacher at the school there…now I'm not even allowed to step foot in the school grounds.

'I had a great relationship with all the children there so it's really hard to lose a position like that.'

Michelle Richards, 39 (pictured with family), was booted from her job as a contracted music and drama teacher at a rural school an hour north of Townsville

Michelle Richards, 39 (pictured with family), was booted from her job as a contracted music and drama teacher at a rural school an hour north of Townsville

Those working in schools, emergency services, healthcare and other 'high risk' settings in Queensland are required to get the jab under a state Government-ordered direction.



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But the Queensland Human Rights Commission has argued the pandemic measure is 'unlawful' and various legal challenges are before the courts.

Ms Richards, who moonlights as a guitarist and singer, was also banned from entering pubs and clubs to play gigs until the rules were eased in April.

In other industries, those who have refused to roll up their sleeves say they still face exclusion from colleagues.

Megan claimed the un-jabbed are treated as 'lepers' and are 'completely ignored' in the NSW Council office where she works.

The 42-year-old is a wary of getting vaccinated against Covid because she is says there's no 'long-term data' confirming it's safe.

'I believe I have lost opportunities at work because of my moral stance against getting the vaccine,' she said.

In other states such as Queensland, the government still has strict vaccination mandates in place for 'high-risk' settings (Michelle Richards, who lost her job as a teacher pictured)

In other states such as Queensland, the government still has strict vaccination mandates in place for 'high-risk' settings (Michelle Richards, who lost her job as a teacher pictured)

'On a personal front, I have also lost many friends and family members who have unfriended and blocked me - all done quietly and unannounced.'

 I have lost opportunities at work... on a personal front, I have also lost many friends and family members - Megan 

A NSW nurse who did not wish to be named out of fear it would ostracise her among colleagues said she 'just ended up taking the jab' because she felt 'coerced'.

The health worker objects to getting vaccinated against Covid because she believes the dose is harmful and an infringement on her rights.

But as she faced the prospect of losing her job, she went through with the inoculation.

Megan claims to have lost opportunities at work because of her moral stance against getting the vaccine

Megan claims to have lost opportunities at work because of her moral stance against getting the vaccine


Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting people against harmful diseases before they come into contact with them.

Immunisation not only protects individuals, but also others in the community, by reducing the spread of preventable diseases.

Research and testing is an essential part of developing safe and effective vaccines.

In Australia, vaccines must pass strict safety testing before the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) will register them for use. Approval of vaccines can take up to 10 years.

Before vaccines become available to the public, large clinical trials test them on thousands of people.

High-quality studies over many years have compared the health of large numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Medical information from nearly 1.5 million children around the world have confirmed that vaccination does not cause autism.

People first became concerned about autism and immunisation after the medical journal The Lancet published a paper in 1998. This paper claimed there was a link between the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism. Since then, scientists have completely discredited this paper. The Lancet withdrew it in 2010 and printed an apology. The UK's General Medical Council struck the author off the medical register for misconduct and dishonesty.

Source: Australian Department of Health 


'Some nurses left, but then felt the pressure to come back, mostly for financial reasons, so they just ended up getting vaxxed,' the 44-year-old said.

'I'd say out of the nurses I know, probably more than half were willing to get jabbed. The rest of us definitely felt forced and I left it until the last minute to get mine.'

 They tell us it's safer for our patients if we are vaxxed, but now with the short staffing our patients are at an even greater risk because we don't have the appropriate number of nurses - NSW nurse

Thousands of health and aged care staff are estimated to have been forced out of the industry because of the jab mandates.

Hospital and healthcare facilities across Australia are now grappling with severe shortages in staff, along with other industries.

'I did a stint in a very busy rural hospital and they were struggling big time from losing a few staff due to the mandate,' she said.

'The thing is, they tell us it's safer for our patients if we are vaxxed, but now with the short staffing our patients are at an even greater risk because we don't have the appropriate number of nurses per patient ratio to keep them safe.

Megan, 42 (pictured), told Daily Mail Australia the un-jabbed are treated as 'lepers' and are 'completely ignored'

Megan, 42 (pictured), told Daily Mail Australia the un-jabbed are treated as 'lepers' and are 'completely ignored'

'Whether that's stopping confused patients from falling, picking up the deteriorating patient, or simply delivering the care that patients should be receiving.'

Vaccine mandates were originally imposed at national level and in various states across the country to encourage the population to get vaccinated against Covid.

The virus has claimed the lives of more than 8000 people in Australia and killed 6.3 million worldwide. More than 95 per cent

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