Monday 20 June 2022 10:19 AM Rohit, 12, suffers terrible pain most of the day due to osteoporosis but it ... trends now

Monday 20 June 2022 10:19 AM Rohit, 12, suffers terrible pain most of the day due to osteoporosis but it ... trends now
Monday 20 June 2022 10:19 AM Rohit, 12, suffers terrible pain most of the day due to osteoporosis but it ... trends now

Monday 20 June 2022 10:19 AM Rohit, 12, suffers terrible pain most of the day due to osteoporosis but it ... trends now

Bone cells are constantly dying and being renewed, but in patients with osteoporosis not enough new bone forms. This means they become more porous, weaker and more prone to fracturing. The condition often goes undetected and can cause no symptoms – until bones break.

Broken hips, wrists and spinal vertebrae are common in people with the condition.

Over time, some people who suffer spinal fractures may also develop a stooped posture, as the spine struggles to support the weight of their body, and this can lead to breathing difficulties.

Osteoporosis is more common in women than men – particularly after the menopause – because of falling levels of the female sex hormone oestrogen, which is vital

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