Monday 20 June 2022 10:55 AM How Lisa Wilkinson's Logies speech could delay Brittany Higgin's rape trial  trends now

Monday 20 June 2022 10:55 AM How Lisa Wilkinson's Logies speech could delay Brittany Higgin's rape trial  trends now
Monday 20 June 2022 10:55 AM How Lisa Wilkinson's Logies speech could delay Brittany Higgin's rape trial  trends now

Monday 20 June 2022 10:55 AM How Lisa Wilkinson's Logies speech could delay Brittany Higgin's rape trial  trends now

How Lisa Wilkinson's Logies speech could delay Brittany Higgin's rape trial

Former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgin's rape trial could be delayed as the accused's lawyers seek to have his court case postponed due to the publicity surrounding Lisa Wilkinson's Logies speech.

Bruce Lehrmann is accused of sexually assaulting Ms Higgins, his former co-worker, in

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