Monday 1 August 2022 04:15 AM Elon Musk's dad says he isn't proud of Tesla founder and explains kids with ... trends now

Monday 1 August 2022 04:15 AM Elon Musk's dad says he isn't proud of Tesla founder and explains kids with ... trends now
Monday 1 August 2022 04:15 AM Elon Musk's dad says he isn't proud of Tesla founder and explains kids with ... trends now

Monday 1 August 2022 04:15 AM Elon Musk's dad says he isn't proud of Tesla founder and explains kids with ... trends now

Elon Musk's father has admitted he isn't proud of his billionaire son and explained why he married and had a baby with his stepdaughter in a candid radio interview.  

Errol Musk, 76, called in to the Kyle and Jackie O show on Monday morning for a bizarre 20-minute interview in which he joked he could be Kyle's biological father. 

The father of the Tesla CEO said Elon had 'surpassed the mark' of what he deemed success but said the Musk family had 'been doing a lot of things for a long time'.  

'Your offspring is a genius. He's worth so much money and has created so many things, you can't take that away from him. Are you proud?' Jackie O asked. 

'No. You know, we are a family that have been doing a lot of things for a long time, it's not as if we suddenly started doing something,' Errol replied.

Errol Musk (right) said his billionaire son Elon (left) had 'surpassed the mark' but as a family the Musks had 'been doing a lot of things for a long time'

Kyle and Jackie O were joined by the billionaire's father for a candid interview on Monday in which Musk revealed why he wasn't proud of his son

Kyle and Jackie O were joined by the billionaire's father for a candid interview on Monday in which Musk revealed why he wasn't proud of his son

Errol said his billionaire son isn't as happy as he could be when it came to his success and said he feels as if he is running five years behind schedule.

'He is frustrated with progress and it's understandable,' the 76-year-old said.

'I know it sounds crazy, but we tend to think like that as a family. He's 50 now and I still think of him as a little boy. But he's 50, I mean that's an old man.'

In reference to recent shirtless photos of his son on a boat in Greece, he said he had been encouraging his son to eat better and take a supplement. 

'Elon is very strongly built but he's been eating badly,' he told the hosts. 

In a ruthless aside, Errol said he had recommended garcinia cambogia - a supplement that can supposedly aid weight loss without additional exercise or dieting - to his son.

Errol then revealed he never once received a handout from his billionaire son (pictured in May) and that it was his younger brother Kimbal who was his 'pride and joy'

Errol then revealed he never once received a handout from his billionaire son (pictured in May) and that it was his younger brother Kimbal who was his 'pride and joy'

Jackie O asked the South African engineer if he drove a Tesla to which he replied he instead drove a Bentley, Rolls Royce and Mercedes - similar to Kyle's car collection. 

Errol said he had not once received a handout from his billionaire son and that it was Elon's younger brother Kimbal who was his 'pride and joy'.  

'We are a very frugal, stingy family. If I want to spend anything I have to answer 100 questions of why,' he explained.  

'Elon lives a very frugal life. He's up at work at six

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