Thursday 22 September 2022 03:17 AM General who trained US Army calls Putin's plan to draft 300,000 to fight in ... trends now

Thursday 22 September 2022 03:17 AM General who trained US Army calls Putin's plan to draft 300,000 to fight in ... trends now
Thursday 22 September 2022 03:17 AM General who trained US Army calls Putin's plan to draft 300,000 to fight in ... trends now

Thursday 22 September 2022 03:17 AM General who trained US Army calls Putin's plan to draft 300,000 to fight in ... trends now

A former United States general predicted Russia's newly announced conscription will be a disaster, just as Google searches for 'How to break an arm at home' skyrocketed in the country since Putin announced the new measure.

Mark Hertling, formerly an Army lieutenant general specializing in troop training, took to Twitter today to explain that Russia's barely existent military training program is sure to spell further disaster for Russia in their sputtering invasion of Ukraine.

'Putin's announced mobilization of 300,000 'reservists' was jaw-dropping to me this morning, but not for the reason some might suspect,' Hertling tweeted, 'Why? Because [sic] know how Russian soldiers are trained, in basic training & in their units.'

Hertling went on to explain how the US Army drills about 150,000 recruits per year in ten weeks of rigorous basic training, then sends them off to specialized training before the troops 'report to their units ready to be integrated in the specific mission.'

In the Russian army, however, Hertling said recruits often receive no basic training at all and are sent straight to their units where they receive training which sometimes lasts only a handful of days.

Meanwhile, Russians seem to agree with Hertling's assessment of their front line prospects, as Google searches for 'как сломать руку в домашних условиях' - which translates to 'how to break an arm at home' - skyrocketed in the country mere hours after Putin announced he was conscripting 300,000 citizens to join his invasion of Ukraine.

Mark Hertling, formerly an Army lieutenant general specializing in troop training, took to Twitter today to explain that Russia's barely existent military training program is sure to spell further disaster for Russia in their sputtering invasion of Ukraine

Putin announced that  300,000 people with military experience would be conscripted beginning Wednesday

Putin announced that  300,000 people with military experience would be

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