Thursday 20 October 2022 08:07 PM MEGHAN MCCAIN: Democrats want to dump Biden like the Brits Tories dumped Liz ... trends now

Thursday 20 October 2022 08:07 PM MEGHAN MCCAIN: Democrats want to dump Biden like the Brits Tories dumped Liz ... trends now
Thursday 20 October 2022 08:07 PM MEGHAN MCCAIN: Democrats want to dump Biden like the Brits Tories dumped Liz ... trends now

Thursday 20 October 2022 08:07 PM MEGHAN MCCAIN: Democrats want to dump Biden like the Brits Tories dumped Liz ... trends now

Conservatives in the United Kingdom have dumped their prime minister. Democrats in the U.S. must be jealous. They would throw Joe Biden over the rail too — if they could.

For Americans watching from home, here's the U.K.-politics cliff notes.

Prime Minister Liz Truss lasted a disastrously short 44 days in office, the briefest stint of any prime minister in U.K. history. And the world thinks American politics are embarrassing.

In American political terminology, she lasted 4.1 'Scaramucci's.'

That's Anthony Scaramucci, of course. He comically survived less than two weeks as President Donald Trump's press secretary before he got the hook.

In a nutshell, Truss pushed a low-tax, high-spending agenda. The markets were spooked and the British pound plummeted.

Truss folded – as they say – like a cheap suit. She walked back her plan and fired her advisors, but that didn't help.

On Wednesday evening, her party made clear that they have no confidence in her leadership and she resigned.

What didn't make headlines is that the Democratic party has staged its own stunning 'no confidence' vote in President Joe Biden. And the president is feeling very sensitive about it.

Conservatives in the United Kingdom have dumped their prime minister. Democrats in the U.S. must be jealous. They would throw Joe Biden over the rail too -- if they could.

Conservatives in the United Kingdom have dumped their prime minister. Democrats in the U.S. must be jealous. They would throw Joe Biden over the rail too -- if they could.

Let me explain… obviously, the UK and US electoral systems are different.

In the US, the people elect the president and then -- for better or for worse – we're stuck with him for 4 years.

But halfway through the president's term, there's something called the midterms. They're important.

The midterms can make or break a presidency and this year they're particularly important, as Republicans are poised to take control of the House and potentially the Senate.

You'd think that Biden would be hard at work on the campaign trail, shaking hands and kissing babies in an attempt to excite Democratic voters and pull his candidates across the finish line.

But Joe Biden is nowhere to be seen. Hmm… why is that?

Even the folks at the New York Times were struck by this.

'Mr. Biden has not held a campaign rally since before Labor Day, even as the future of his agenda and his own political career are at stake in the midterm elections,' the NYTimes wrote.

'… It is a remarkably low-key campaign effort by a president facing what could be among the biggest rebukes of his political life.'

Instead, former President Obama is campaigning in Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee and Las Vegas – cities in critical swing states that Democrats desperately want to hold on to.

On Thursday, Biden is in Pennsylvania to give a helping hand to Senate candidate John Fetterman. But there won't be a big rally showing Biden and Fetterman hugging in front of a huge crowd of supporters.

Biden will give a speech on infrastructure and then talk to invited guests in a closed-door reception. Exciting!

A reporter asked Biden about this abnormal midterm campaign schedule as he left the White House on Thursday, and he didn't like it one bit.

The reporter said, 'There haven't been that many candidates campaigning with you…' before Biden cut her off.

'That's not true,' he snapped. 'There have been 15. Count kid, count.'

Touchy, touchy.

Look, we all know that President Biden is unpopular, very unpopular. But he's no more unpopular than Obama

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