The moments in Harry and Meghan's series that will make King Charles ... trends now

The moments in Harry and Meghan's series that will make King Charles ... trends now
The moments in Harry and Meghan's Netflix series that will make King Charles ... trends now

The moments in Harry and Meghan's Netflix series that will make King Charles ... trends now

Key moments in Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's bombshell Netflix series could make King Charles feel uncomfortable - from Diana's famous Panorama interview to royal family 'drama'.

In the first three episodes, which dropped at 8am on Thursday, Meghan told of finding the formality of royal life 'surprising', while Harry said his family's view of his wife were 'clouded' by her being an American actress.

Archive footage of Diana and the then Prince of Wales, with Harry and his older brother William were shown in the tell-all series in which Harry spoke about 'public pressure and drama' his family experienced when he was a child.

Revelations from Harry in the first few episodes include him saying he is his 'mother's son,' claiming his mother was left 'alone' following her divorce from Charles, saying Diana spoke the 'truth' of her experience in the Panorma interview - as well as him saying it was important he and Meghan did not 'repeat the same mistakes' their parents made.

Prince Harry said he was his 'mother's son' as he spoke about how she made decisions with her heart

Prince Harry said he was his 'mother's son' as he spoke about how she made decisions with her heart

Meghan and Harry's highly-anticipated series is being put out in two parts, with the first three episodes of the six-part docu-series now available to stream

Meghan and Harry's highly-anticipated series is being put out in two parts, with the first three episodes of the six-part docu-series now available to stream

I am my mother's son - she made decisions with her heart, Harry says

Prince Harry described himself as his 'mother's son' when talking about how Princess Diana made decisions with her heart.  

'I think for so many people in the family, especially obviously the men, there can be a temptation or an urge to marry someone who would fit in the mold as opposed to someone who perhaps you are destined to be with,' Harry says in episode one. 

'The difference between making decisions with your head, or your heart. 

'My mum made most of her decisions, if not all of them, from her heart. 

'And I am my mother's son,' he said, putting emphasis on the 'am'. 

'And I am my mother's son,' Harry said, putting emphasis on the 'am'

'And I am my mother's son,' Harry said, putting emphasis on the 'am'

The Netflix documentary covers the birth of Prince Harry and some of his childhood

The Netflix documentary covers the birth of Prince Harry and some of his childhood

Harry on being part of a family that was 'different' - there was always 'pressure, drama and tears' 

'Do I remember a moment when I suddenly realised that my family is different? No, I think it's just gradual,' Harry says in episode one. 

Royal family photos are shared in the Netflix documentary, showing Harry's early years. 

But he joked there was no point in time that the Queen stood up and taught them what 'it means to be in the royal family'. 

He said his childhood was filled with laughter, happiness and adventure. 

But he said he doesn't have many early memories of his mum, almost as if he 'blocked them out'.

'But I always remember her laugh, her cheeky laugh,' he said, adding that he will always be a cheeky person inside.'

He spoke about the media interest in his family when they went on holiday, the 'public pressure and drama'.

Harry said: 'There was always public pressure with its fair share of drama, stress and also tears - and witnessing those tears. 

'I could always see it on my mum's face, and I guess those are the moments when I thought OK, what am I? What am I part of?'

The Netflix documentary showed clips of Diana saying she wanted to 'protect' her children

The Netflix documentary showed clips of Diana saying she wanted to 'protect' her children

Harry saying Diana 'spoke her truth' in Panorama interview 

Speaking about his late mother, Prince Harry said Princess Diana had a 'lived experience' of how she was 'struggling living that life' and that she felt 'compelled to talk about it...especially in that Panorama interview.' 

'I think we all now know that she was deceived into giving the interview - but at the same time she spoke the truth of her experience,' he said, in episode one. 

Prince Harry says Diana spoke the 'truth of her experience' in the Panorama interview

Prince Harry says Diana spoke the 'truth of her experience' in the Panorama interview

The separation of Diana and Charles - as Harry says she was left 'by herself' after divorce 

The documentary cuts to an announcement by John Major on December 9, 1992, that 'with regret' the Prince and Princess of Wales had decided to separate. 

He says the decision had been reached 'amicably' and they would both continue to participate fully in the upbringing of their children. 

The documentary then shows a clip from the famous Panorama interview where Diana says: 'Everything changed after we separated and life became very difficult for me.' 

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