White House demands Kevin McCarthy reveal all deals he made to be speaker trends now

White House demands Kevin McCarthy reveal all deals he made to be speaker trends now
White House demands Kevin McCarthy reveal all deals he made to be speaker trends now

White House demands Kevin McCarthy reveal all deals he made to be speaker trends now

The White House went on the offensive Tuesday and demanded Kevin McCarthy disclose the 'secret deals' he made with conservatives as the war between President Joe Biden and the Republicans heats up.

As House Republicans demanded Biden release more information about the classified documents found in his Wilmington home - including visitor logs to his private Delaware resident - the administration is returning fire.

'Will House Republicans come clean and transparently disclose the secret deals Kevin McCarthy made with the extreme MAGA members of his caucus to get their support for Speaker?,' asked Ian Sams, spokesman for Biden's White House counsel office.

Biden, meanwhile, stayed mum in the face of questions on Tuesday about the documents. 

President Joe Biden didn't answer questions on Tuesday about the classified documents

President Joe Biden didn't answer questions on Tuesday about the classified documents

The president didn't answer questions from reporters - including one on whether he would speak with special counsel Robert Hur - as he met in the Oval Office with Netherlands' Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

Biden simply sat silence as White House staff led shouting members of the press out of the room. 

The White House, meanwhile, ratcheted up its battle with the GOP, calling on McCarthy to reveal the deal he made to win over hard-line conservatives to become speaker of the House.

It took McCarthy 15 ballots to gain enough support from his own party to become speaker. There have been reports on the deals he cut - including a deal that would allow only one lawmaker to issue a speaker recall - but has never outlined all the concessions he made. 

White House spokesman Andrew Bates slammed the GOP for deals made on abortion and other issues.  He led the call in demanding more transparency from the Republicans. 

'What other hidden bargains did Speaker McCarthy make behind closed doors with the most extreme, ultra MAGA members of the House Republican conference? The American people have a right to know – now – which is why we are calling on him to make every single one of them public immediately,' he said in a statement. 

McCarthy has said he made no formal agreements to win the votes he needed but conservative said they were promised certain concessions. McCarthy is already

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