demands all January 6 prisoners are FREED after Tucker Carlson footage ... trends now

demands all January 6 prisoners are FREED after Tucker Carlson footage ... trends now
Trump demands all January 6 prisoners are FREED after Tucker Carlson footage ... trends now

Trump demands all January 6 prisoners are FREED after Tucker Carlson footage ... trends now

Donald Trump has called for releasing all January 6 prisoners after Tucker Carlson unveiled new footage, which he claims casts a fresh perspective on the 2021 unrest at the US Capitol

'Congratulations to Tucker Carlson on one of the biggest “scoops” as a reporter in U.S. history,' wrote Trump on social media,

'The New Surveillance Footage of the January 6th Events sheds an entirely different light on what actually happened. The Unselect Committee was a giant SCAM, and has now unequivocally been stamped as CRIMINAL FABRICATORS OF THIS MOST IMPORTANT DAY... LET THEM GO FREE, NOW!' 

In footage screened on his show Monday night, so-called QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley was apparently seen being escorted into the Senate by Capitol police officers.

Carlson suggested that challenged the prevailing narrative that Chansley - jailed for four years over the incident - aggressively barged into the chamber. 

On Tuesday morning, the former president claimed on Truth Social that Capitol rioters behind bars were 'convicted, or are awaiting trial, based on a giant lie.'

Former President Donald Trump demands all prisoners convicted of crimes on January 6, 2021 are released based on footage released by Tucker Carlson

Former President Donald Trump demands all prisoners convicted of crimes on January 6, 2021 are released based on footage released by Tucker Carlson

Former President Donald Trump claims then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are to blame for security lapses on January 6, 2021.

Former President Donald Trump claims then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell are to blame for security lapses on January 6, 2021.

Chansley is seen being followed through the Capitol by a police officer

Chansley is seen being followed through the Capitol by a police officer

Chansley, with his bullhorn, is seen on January 6, 2021 inside the Capitol

Chansley, with his bullhorn, is seen on January 6, 2021 inside the Capitol

'A radical left con job. Thank you to Tucker Carlson and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy for what you have both done,' Trump continued.

'New video footage is irrefutable.'

After Carlson's showed air, Trump also called for the 'Unselect' January 6 committee to be prosecuted for being 'criminal fabricators' and said Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell 'failed on security."

Also broadcast was footage of Capitol cop Brian Sicknick, who died shortly after the riot.

It was initially suggested Sicknick's death came as the result of being attacked with a fire extinguisher and pepper spray by rioters.

But a medical examiner later ruled he'd died of natural causes. And Carlson shared footage of Sicknick walking around the Capitol after the attack.

He appeared in good health, which the Fox News host said poured cold water on liberal outlets' insistence that the Capitol rioters had Sicknick's blood on their hands. 

He also referenced Ray Epps, who was seen among the rioters urging them to storm the Capitol, yet was never charged - giving rise to the suspicion that Epps was an informant. Epps has denied working for the government.

On Monday, Carlson suggested Epps was lying.  

'They were orderly and meek,' said Carlson of those who stormed the Capitol. 'These were not insurrectionists; they were sightseers.'

Carlson said they 'obviously revere the Capitol,' noting they took selfies and 'queued up in neat

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