Big Ben becomes beacon to King Charles in colourful rehearsal before the ... trends now

Big Ben becomes beacon to King Charles in colourful rehearsal before the ... trends now
Big Ben becomes beacon to King Charles in colourful rehearsal before the ... trends now

Big Ben becomes beacon to King Charles in colourful rehearsal before the ... trends now

Big Ben has been lit up in a colourful tribute to the King as preparations for this Saturday's Coronation get into full swing.

The nation's most famous landmark turned red and blue, with poignant messages projected on to the 96-metre tower.

More stunning images will be projected at sunset every day for the rest of this week between 8.30pm and 11pm, including on the evening of the Coronation.

The Department of Culture, Media and Sport showed off the amazing transformation on Twitter, saying: 'Big Ben looking spectacular as it gets ready for the weekend’s Coronation celebrations, with projections set for sunset tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday.'

At one point images of the national plants of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - the rose, thistle, daffodil and shamrock - were projected on to the 160-year-old building.

The nation's most famous landmark turned red and blue - with poignant messages appearing across the 96-metre tall tower

The nation's most famous landmark turned red and blue - with poignant messages appearing across the 96-metre tall tower

More of the stunning projections are set for sunset every day for the rest of this week between 8.30pm and 11pm - including following the coronation

More of the stunning projections are set for sunset every day for the rest of this week between 8.30pm and 11pm - including following the coronation

In a tribute to the UK's four nation's, at one point the 160-year-old building was projected with images of the national plants England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - the daffodil, thistle, shamrock and rose

In a tribute to the UK's four nation's, at one point the 160-year-old building was projected with images of the national plants England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - the daffodil, thistle, shamrock and rose

Another frame shows the lyrics to the national anthem wrapped around the tower in a cascade of poetry

Another frame shows the lyrics to the national anthem wrapped around the tower in a cascade of poetry

The clock tower sweeps from blue to red, while the letters and images are picked out in white - the colours of the Union Jack. 

Another frame shows the lyrics to the national anthem wrapped around the tower in a cascade of poetry.

A third reveals the flowers surrounding the lyric 'Happy and Glorious'.

And another image shows the touching phrase: 'Long may he reign.'

The projection culminates with the coronation emblem, designed by Sir Jony Ive, a British product designer and chancellor of the Royal College of Art.

The projections snaked unexpectedly onto the Elizabeth Tower, with the flowers and plants blooming on the side of the historic landmark.

The King is known for his focus on greenery, nature and the environment.

When the invitations for the ceremony were sent out last month, they were adorned with images of flowers, birds, insects and the Green Man - while the thrones are being re-used rather than made new which would be customary.

The Princess of Wales is even set to wear a floral headpiece in favour of a tiara, while an ornate, three-sided screen shielding Charles as he is anointed King depicts a tree with 56 leaves representing the Commonwealth nations.

The projections snaked unexpectedly onto the Elizabeth Tower, with the flowers and plants blooming on the side of the historic landmark

The projections snaked unexpectedly onto the Elizabeth Tower, with the flowers and plants blooming on the side of the historic landmark

The clock tower sweeps from blue to red, while the letters and images are picked out in white - the colours of the Union Jack

The clock tower sweeps from blue to red, while the letters and images are picked out in white - the colours of the Union Jack

The King is known for his focus on greenery, nature and the environment

The King is known for his focus on greenery, nature and the environment

When the invitations for the ceremony were sent out last month , they were adorned with images of flowers, birds, insects and the Green Man - while the thrones are being re-used rather than made new which would be customary

When the invitations for the ceremony were sent out last month , they were adorned with images of flowers, birds, insects and the Green Man - while the thrones are being re-used rather than made new which would be customary

The Princess of Wales is even set to wear a floral headpiece in favour of a tiara , while an ornate, three-sided screen shielding Charles as he is anointed King depicts a tree with 56 leaves representing the Commonwealth nations

The Princess of Wales is even set to wear a floral headpiece in favour of a tiara , while an ornate, three-sided screen shielding Charles as he is anointed King depicts a tree with 56 leaves representing the Commonwealth nations

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