White House rejects ex-aide's claim her life was at risk as she tries to defect ... trends now

White House rejects ex-aide's claim her life was at risk as she tries to defect ... trends now
White House rejects ex-aide's claim her life was at risk as she tries to defect ... trends now

White House rejects ex-aide's claim her life was at risk as she tries to defect ... trends now

The White House on Wednesday rejected the claims of ex-Biden aide Tara Reade who said she was in danger of being killed after accusing him of assault and who appears to be seeking to defect to Russia.

White House national security spokesman John Kirby fielded questions about Reade from the White House on Wednesday, after her stunning appearance on Kremlin-backed Sputnik TV alongside convicted 'spy' Maria Butina.

She spoke of her bid to move to Russia in an interview where she blasted Biden and the 'corrupt' Democratic National Committee and echoed Kremlin talking points on the war in Ukraine.

Asked if she was part of a Russian influence operation, Kirby responded: 'I've seen no evidence or proof of that.'

He was initially reluctant to get into the details of Reade's case – but did contradict her claim of being a target for assassination.

White House national security spokesman John Kirby spoke out against 'absolutely false' claims by Tara Reade that she was in danger of being killed after raising assault allegations against Biden dating to the 1990s during the 2020 campaign. He spoke after Reade said she was trying to defect to Russia

White House national security spokesman John Kirby spoke out against 'absolutely false' claims by Tara Reade that she was in danger of being killed after raising assault allegations against Biden dating to the 1990s during the 2020 campaign. He spoke after Reade said she was trying to defect to Russia

'We'd be loath to comment on the on the musings of a potential Russian citizen that's really up for her to speak to,' Kirby said. 'I mean, I can't get inside her head and speak for her motivations and intentions. That's really for her to speak to. The one thing I will say is that allegations that her life was at risk by the United States Government. Absolutely false, baseless. There's nothing to that.'

Kirby said he hasn't seen a link to Russian influence operations – but then did opine on Moscow's efforts and desire to interfere in U.S. elections.

'I would let this prospective Russian citizen speak for her intentions and motivations. I mean, look, it's a matter of record that that Mr. Putin and the Russian government have tried to interfere and actually did interfere in our elections going back as far as 2016,' he said, referencing the hacking operations that U.S. intelligence traced to a St. Petersburg troll farm backed by the Kremlin.

'And then that's a matter of record. It should come as no surprise to anybody that that Mr. Putin would show an interest in in making it hard for President Biden to win election and and to try to interfere in his ability to govern as president United States. But whether this particular move by this particular individual is some sort of Russian information, or propaganda campaign – I just don't know.'

His comments came following the news that Reade, who during the 2020 campaign accused Biden of trying to assault her in 1993, is seeking to defect to Russia. She said on a Kremlin-backed program that she has fears for her own safety in the U.S. 

Reade made a series of stunning assertions while appearing on Russian state TV with Maria Butina, who was convicted of acting as an unregistered foreign agent inside the U.S. while cultivating relationships with a series of U.S. political figures. Reade called Butina 'my friend.'

Butina, who was elected to the state Duma in Russia and subjected to U.S. sanctions after Russia's Ukraine invasion, said Reade made her decision on a visit to Moscow.

'I'm still kind of in a daze a bit but I feel very good,' Reade said in an appearance aired on Sputnik. 'I feel very surrounded by protection and safety. And I just really so appreciate Maria [Butina] and everyone who's been giving me that at a time when it's been very difficult to know if I'm safe or not.' 

Biden assault accuser Tara Reade said she is defecting to Russia. She sat for an interview on Kremlin-backed Sputnik television with Maria Butina, who was convicted of acting as an unregistered foreign agent in the U.S.

Biden assault accuser Tara Reade

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