Ex-military staff could lead revamp of Met Police, says Tory mayoral hopeful ... trends now

Ex-military staff could lead revamp of Met Police, says Tory mayoral hopeful ... trends now
Ex-military staff could lead revamp of Met Police, says Tory mayoral hopeful ... trends now

Ex-military staff could lead revamp of Met Police, says Tory mayoral hopeful ... trends now

Ex-military staff could lead revamp of Met Police, says Tory mayoral hopeful Moz Hossain Hossain would allow force to employ youth workers straight into leadership roles He says bypassing traditional recruitment procedures would bring in more expertise


A top contender to push Sadiq Khan out of London's City Hall has pledged to allow the Metropolitan Police to hire military veterans directly into senior jobs to restore discipline and rigour.

Mozammel Hossain, one of three candidates on the Tory shortlist, would also allow the force to employ youth workers straight into leadership roles.

The criminal barrister, who believes Londoners have lost faith in the Met, says that bypassing traditional recruitment procedures would bring in more expertise.

He hopes that the experience of veterans and youth workers can change the lives of young people and help to bring down crime levels in the capital.

The Tory hopeful plans to run targeted outreach campaigns to encourage veterans and youth workers to join the Met. 

Mozammel Hossain (pictured), one of three candidates on the Tory shortlist, would also allow the force to employ youth workers straight into leadership roles

Mr Hossain said last night: 'With 21 years as a criminal barrister in London, I've seen first-hand how people end up on the wrong side of the law.


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