Rishi Sunak faces new pressure from Tory MPs demanding corporation tax cuts - ... trends now

Rishi Sunak faces new pressure from Tory MPs demanding corporation tax cuts - ... trends now
Rishi Sunak faces new pressure from Tory MPs demanding corporation tax cuts - ... trends now

Rishi Sunak faces new pressure from Tory MPs demanding corporation tax cuts - ... trends now

Rishi Sunak faces new pressure from Tory MPs demanding corporation tax cuts - led by former Prime Minister Liz Truss 33 Tory MPs have signed letter warning Mr Sunak they will not support tax rises UK tax burden is at its highest since records began, according to IFS figures 


Rishi Sunak is today facing a mounting revolt from Conservative MPs demanding tax cuts – spearheaded by his predecessor Liz Truss.

As the Tories gathered for their annual conference in Manchester, Ms Truss was poised to urge the Prime Minister to slash Corporation Tax to ‘unleash British business’.

And in a thinly veiled rebuke of Mr Sunak’s stewardship, the former PM will say that the Tories must become ‘the party of business once again’.

The call – to be made in a ‘Great British Growth Rally’ tomorrow – came as more Tory MPs signed a pledge not to vote for any increase in the overall tax burden.

Ex-party chairman Sir Jake Berry – who last week disclosed that 33 Tories had already backed the plan – told The Mail on Sunday that support for the tax vow was growing.

Rishi Sunak is facing demands to cut Corporation Tax from Tory MPs including former prime minister Liz Truss

Rishi Sunak is facing demands to cut Corporation Tax from Tory MPs including former prime minister Liz Truss

It commits the MPs to not vote in favour of the Government’s Autumn Statement, due in November, if it raises the overall tax burden.

The revolt comes amid warnings that the UK currently has the highest taxes since records began, with the respected Institute for Fiscal Studies warning of a ‘decisive and permanent shift’ to a higher-tax economy.

Yesterday, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt sought to calm Tory nerves by promising to end ‘the vicious circle of ever-rising taxes’ by reforming benefits and getting savings from the soaring

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