Brazilian pastor-turned-model reveals that her former congregants are now ... trends now

Brazilian pastor-turned-model reveals that her former congregants are now ... trends now
Brazilian pastor-turned-model reveals that her former congregants are now ... trends now

Brazilian pastor-turned-model reveals that her former congregants are now ... trends now

Former Brazilian pastor Ana Akiva now sells nude photos and videos on Only Fans and Privacy, a Brazilian adult-only social media platform The 36-year-old was married to fellow preacher Youssef Akiva before she sought a divorce afters years of being exposed to psychological and emotional abuse


A pastor-turned-model has been taken aback by the number of congregants that have gone from listening to her sermons from the church pew to catching a glimpse of her nude content on social media.

Ana Akiva traded the preaching from an Evangelical Church in the southeastern Brazilian state of São Paulo to posing for the camera after she ended her abusive marriage to Youssef Akiva.

'Some [people] made a point of saying that they went to church because they were horny because they wanted to see me,' Ana Akiva said, as quoted by news outlet G1.

The 36-year-old erotic content model revealed that several members of the congregation would jam her inbox with provocative pictures of themselves snapped at the house of worship. 

Ana Akiva went from preaching at a church to posing in front of a camera and selling nude content on adult social media platforms like OnlyFans after she split from her former abusive preacher husband Youssef Akiva

Ana Akiva went from preaching at a church to posing in front of a camera and selling nude content on adult social media platforms like OnlyFans after she split from her former abusive preacher husband Youssef Akiva

Ana Akiva during her days as a pastor at an evangelical church in the southern Brazilian state of São Paulo

Ana Akiva during her days as a pastor at an evangelical church in the southern Brazilian state of São Paulo

Ana Akiva divorced her preacher husband Youssef Akiva after he subjected her to years of emotional and psychological abuse

Ana Akiva divorced her preacher husband Youssef Akiva after he subjected her to years of emotional and psychological abuse

'Some sent intimate photos in the church bathroom,' she said. 'I was

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