Stop prescribing puberty blockers to children - or risk legal action trends now

Stop prescribing puberty blockers to children - or risk legal action trends now
Stop prescribing puberty blockers to children - or risk legal action trends now

Stop prescribing puberty blockers to children - or risk legal action trends now

Women’s rights campaigners hit out over Scottish Government’s ‘inaction’


Women's rights campaigners have demanded that medics in Scotland stop prescribing puberty blockers to children – or risk future legal action.

For Women Scotland (FWS) has warned patients could take health boards to court if youngsters as young as nine continue to be prescribed the drugs despite concerns raised in a landmark report.

Paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass found ­gender medicine had been based on ‘shaky foundations’ and that under-18s had received unevidenced treatment.

Her review was announced after whistle-blowers raised fears over the Gender Identity and Development Services (Gids) for children at the Tavistock clinic in London.

Campaigners such as For Women Scotland see trans activism as a danger to the rights of omen and girls

For Women Scotland says there is no justification for medics prescribing puberty blockers for youngsters 

NHS England has already announced the medication will no longer be routinely prescribed outwith clinical trials. However, in Scotland children can continue to receive puberty blockers.

FWS’s warning came as it emerged some NHS boards are still referring young patients to the Sandyford clinic in Glasgow – dubbed the ‘tartan Tavistock’.


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