Woodleigh School: Year 11 camp at Melbourne hotel descends into chaos on first ... trends now

Woodleigh School: Year 11 camp at Melbourne hotel descends into chaos on first ... trends now



A private school 'camp' that was taking place in a city hotel ended with one student being expelled and others suspended after they were allegedly busted vaping, drinking and smoking cannabis in their room.

The incident involving a group of Year 11 students from the Woodleigh School took place on the first night of their stay at the Miami Hotel, in Melbourne's CBD, back in March.

The students were caught out after their smoking set off a fire alarm in the middle of the night. The students involved were immediately evicted by hotel management.

Their wild antics resulted in one boy being expelled while others in the group were suspended.

Wild behaviour from a group of students from the Woodleigh School (pictured) has resulted in one male student being expelled and others expelled

Wild behaviour from a group of students from the Woodleigh School (pictured) has resulted in one male student being expelled and others expelled 

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The camp was part of the school's Homestead program, which allows students to take part in curriculum-based activities such as learning about the city's arts scene.

A source with knowledge of the incident said the students' conduct ruined the camp for other classmates who were not involved.

'These camps are important external school experiences and it's disheartening that a group of

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