Schoolgirl was driven 30 miles to restaurant where older men would queue up to ... trends now

Schoolgirl was driven 30 miles to restaurant where older men would queue up to ... trends now

A schoolgirl who fell victim to one of the UK's most notorious grooming gangs was plied with vodka and driven 30 miles to a restaurant so that older men could queue up to rape her, a court has heard.

Mubarek Ali, 41, has been sentenced to another 12 years in prison after he admitted he had groomed, raped, and pimped out the 'vulnerable' girl for years alongside nearly 100 others, all from Telford, Shropshire.

The victim, now in her 30s, told Shrewsbury Crown Court she was once driven 30 miles to Stoke-on-Trent along with three other girls where a group of older men were waiting. Upon their arrival, one of them is said to have asked: 'So, who's first?', before all four girls were sexually abused.

In a harrowing witness statement, she described how the predatory paedophile plied her with vodka and Red Bull, raped her in several locations and took her to restaurants where men would be 'queuing up' to abuse her.

Ali's latest crime has emerged more than a decade after he was caged for 14 years for abusing teenagers as young as 13 and trafficking them around Britain.

Mubarek Ali, 41, has been sentenced to another 12 years in prison after he admitted he had groomed, raped, and pimped out the 'vulnerable' girl for years alongside nearly 100 others, all from Telford, Shropshire

Mubarek Ali, 41, has been sentenced to another 12 years in prison after he admitted he had groomed, raped, and pimped out the 'vulnerable' girl for years alongside nearly 100 others, all from Telford, Shropshire

He and his brother Ahdel 'Eddie' Ali led the gang of seven men, which preyed on 100 young girls in Telford, Shropshire, between 2006 and 2009. 

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EXCLUSIVE Ringleader of paedophile grooming gang is jailed for a further 12 years after another one of his victims - who was raped and pimped out from the age of just 12 - bravely exposed his sick crimes

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They targeted schoolgirls who they controlled as child prostitutes by giving them alcohol, food and money.

The court heard how the victim first met Ali when he was in his 20s at the house of a woman in the Wellington area of Telford with a friend and neighbour, who was older than her. 

The house was frequented by men including Ali, who would 'drink and smoke weed' and the victim said Ali was 'nice at first'.

But not long after they started getting to know each other, Ali told her he would 'f*** you when you turn 16'. Ali did not wait until she was able to legally consent before having sex with her.

He took the girl to various places for sex himself and to pimp her out to others, including hotels, his mother's house and takeaways. 

The court heard Ali would threaten to have his victim beaten up if she did not do as he pleased. 

The offences all took place in the 2000s, when the victim was in her teens, with the rape charges relate to when she was aged 16 and 17.

Ali once sexually abused the victim in public while a dog walker looked on in disgust. 

The victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, would also be bombarded with phone calls from men she did not know, asking: 'How much do you charge?' They told her that Ali had put them in touch with her.

Ali, aged in his 20s at the time, 'befriended' the girl, plied her with vodka and Red Bull and made her 'fall madly in love' with him.

Prosecutor Mr Perian said: 'He charmed her and got her to fall in love with him to the extent she was besotted with him.'

In a harrowing witness statement, the victim described how predatory paedophile Ali (pictured) plied her with vodka and Red Bull, raped her in several locations and took her to restaurants where men would be 'queuing up' to abuse her

In a harrowing witness statement, the victim described

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