Georgie Copeland lost her fiancé in a crash before meeting Zach Bray. Now she ... trends now

Georgie Copeland lost her fiancé in a crash before meeting Zach Bray. Now she ... trends now

When Georgie Copeland's fiancé Lachlan Proctor died just before Christmas 2020, she didn't think she would find love again but she did - with Zach Bray. 

Tragically, however, Mr Bray was one of 10 people who died in the NSW Hunter Valley bus crash in June 2023, and her world was ripped apart all over again. 

On a new Darling, Shine! podcast hosted by her friend Ellidy Pullin, who has also known the pain of a beloved partner dying, Ms Copeland opened up about the moment she found out about Mr Bray's tragic death. 

As she and Zach had only just got back together after some time apart, she was not at the wedding at Wandin Estate in Lovedale, but found out in an awful way that he was one of the victims. 

On the podcast, Ms Copeland said her mum asked her on a phone call if she'd heard about the wedding bus that had crashed in the Hunter Valley.

Her response was that she just knew: 'Zach was on that bus.'

When Georgie Copeland's fiancé died aged 30 just before Christmas 2020, she didn't think she would find love again but she did, with Zach Bray

When Georgie Copeland's fiancé died aged 30 just before Christmas 2020, she didn't think she would find love again but she did, with Zach Bray

Zach Bray (pictured) was one of 10 people who died in the NSW Hunter Valley bus crash in June 2023, and Georgie Copeland's world was ripped apart again

Zach Bray (pictured) was one of 10 people who died in the NSW Hunter Valley bus crash in June 2023, and Georgie Copeland's world was ripped apart again

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Ms Copeland had her wedding to her fiance Mr Proctor planned, and they were discussing how many children they hoped to have.

But he died from complications after a major crash on December 4, 2020, aged just 30.

She became suicidal and tried to take her own life, but after spending time at a private health facility in Byron Bay in northern NSW, she met Mr Bray.

The couple had some ups and downs, but in June 2023, they were back together. 

'We had this beautiful date organised, it was going to be a big romantic reunion ... it was going to be this big thing and we were so excited,' she said.

'He had a wedding that he was going to the weekend before, in the Hunter Valley, so our date was the following weekend.' 

She told Ms Pullin's podcast that she helped Mr Bray get ready for the wedding. 'He was Facetiming me ... and I was literally dressing him for the wedding,' she said

He sent her videos of himself on the dance floor and they were texting throughout the night, and then she went to bed.

The next morning, a Monday, there was no message from Zach.

'That was really weird because he is like one of

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