Hundreds of black and Hispanic fans descend on the Bronx to cheer him and ... trends now

Hundreds of black and Hispanic fans descend on the Bronx to cheer him and ... trends now
Hundreds of black and Hispanic Trump fans descend on the Bronx to cheer him and ... trends now

Hundreds of black and Hispanic Trump fans descend on the Bronx to cheer him and ... trends now

Next door to rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes' district, a majority-minority crowd came out to support Donald Trump in the Bronx. 

Hundreds of mostly Hispanic and Black Trump supporters gathered at Crotona Park on Thursday hours before the Republican candidate for president's rally in one of the most Democratic counties in the nation.

Despite president Joe Biden's recent comments that another Trump presidency would represent a threat to Black Americans, rally-goers told their actual fear is a second Biden term.

'Biden is president. He's currently a threat to black people. So that's what I say about that,' said Lily Robinson, from the Bronx.

'We definitely cannot continue to keep going in the direction that we're going in,' she added. 'I'm here because I want to show support for Trump as a black person and just in general.'

'Biden is president. He's currently a threat to black people. So that's what I say about that,' said Lily Robinson, from the Bronx.

'Biden is president. He's currently a threat to black people. So that's what I say about that,' said Lily Robinson, from the Bronx.

Her friend Jasmine Gray, from New Jersey, added: 'A lot of people said nobody was going to show up because I was in the Bronx. And I know that's just a fear tactic. That's a fear mongering tactics'

Her friend Jasmine Gray, from New Jersey, added: 'A lot of people said nobody was going to show up because I was in the Bronx. And I know that's just a fear tactic. That's a fear mongering tactics'

Her friend Jasmine Gray, from New Jersey, added: 'A lot of people said nobody was going to show up because the rally was in the Bronx. And I know that's just a fear tactic. That's fear mongering tactics.'

When asked whether Trump represented a threat to Black Americans, Keith from Detroit recalled Biden's 2020 comments where he claimed those who couldn't decide between him and Trump 'ain't black.'

Keith, who travels the country following Trump rallies, told 'You know, [Biden] told me I wasn't black when I didn't vote for him - and I voted for Trump twice.

'One thing I like about Trump, he opened a door for people to think a little bit more and look behind the curtain a little bit more.'

Navarra, 19, said she attended the rally because the country 'needs' Trump. She's originally from Bangladesh

Navarra, 19, said she attended the rally because the country 'needs' Trump. She's originally from Bangladesh

Christina Gallagher, born and raised in the Bronx, attended the rally to to support Trump and ask for congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortes to be fired

Christina Gallagher, born and raised in the Bronx, attended the rally to to support Trump and ask for congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortes to be fired

At the entrance for the line, a booth where attendees could change their registration from Democrat to Republican was popular.

Angel, a young Latino man from Brooklyn, said he used to be a Democrat but slowly turned away from the party over the last decade.

'It was a 10-year process,' he said when asked why he turned to the Republican Party.

'It was chipping away and chipping away, and one day I woke up and was a conservative. Holy sh** how did that happen? 

'But yeah, it just took time. Once you get out of your little circle and get to meet new people... They say you're not supposed to. But then you start seeing what life or reality is.'

Two young men from Long Island, Salvador and Walter said they support Trump because he represents the American Dream that their parents left El Salvador for

Two young men from Long Island, Salvador and Walter said they support Trump because he represents the American Dream that their parents left El Salvador for

When asked whether Trump represented a threat to Black Americans, Keith from Detroit recalled Biden's 2020 comments where he claimed those who couldn't decide between him and Trump 'ain't black'

When asked whether Trump represented a threat to Black Americans, Keith from Detroit recalled Biden's 2020 comments where he claimed those who couldn't decide between him and Trump 'ain't black'

Angel, a young Latino man from Brooklyn, said he used to be a Democrat but slowly turned away from the party over the last decade

When asked about claims by Democrats that Trump is a racist, Angel said 'they're the actual racists.'

'I noticed that when I became a conservative, that's the most racism I've ever experienced - from blacks, Hispanics, whites that are liberal. I encountered more racism from liberals than when I was when I was a liberal.'

Nearby, a Latino group was dancing to the Trump's popular Spanish campaign song.

'Voy a votar por Donald Trump!' they screamed in unison. ('I'm going to vote for Donald Trump.')

Two young men from Long Island were helping with the registrations, and said they support Trump because he represents the American Dream that their parents left El

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