The surprising but simple secrets to making the most of your vacation that will ... trends now

The surprising but simple secrets to making the most of your vacation that will ... trends now

An expert has revealed the surprising but simple secrets to making the most of your vacation without feeling as if you've wasted it. 

Going on vacation is supposed to be a time spent relaxing and taking a break from the busy day-to-day routine of work and life tasks.

However, many travelers make the mistake of packing far too much into their trips in an effort to make the most of it and end up missing out on the rest and relaxation that a vacation should offer. 

Jeff Galak, a consumer behavior and marketing researcher, spent the past two decades studying what makes people happy with what they consume, and shared his research with the Wall Street Journal

Galak suggests that his findings can be applied to vacation experiences to help travelers find the joy in their time away - and he admits his advice may be surprising. 

Galak says that a main reason that vacations fall flat is because enjoyment declines with time - so packing in as much time spent doing your 'favorite activities' can actually become unenjoyable and tedious (Pictured: A luxury resort in the Caribbean)

Galak says that a main reason that vacations fall flat is because enjoyment declines with time - so packing in as much time spent doing your 'favorite activities' can actually become unenjoyable and tedious (Pictured: A luxury resort in the Caribbean)

First of all, Galak advises that you should simply 'do less'. 

If you love to hike - you might feel compelled to hike as much as possible on your trip. The same can be applied to going to the beach or visiting museums. 

Instead of 'making the most' of your vacation time by packing your itinerary to the brim with your favorite activities, it is more valuable to do the things you enjoy less so that you value them more - and still have down time to rest and relax. 

Galak says that a main reason that vacations fall flat is because enjoyment declines with time - so packing in as much time spent doing your 'favorite activities' can actually become less enjoyable and tedious. 

He says that this notion can be applied to all that we as humans enjoy. For example - with chocolate cake the first bite is incredible, but the last bite is merely tasty and your stomach probably hurts. 

Laying on the beach and

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