AOC 'doesn't belong here': supporters send message to Squad member after ... trends now

AOC 'doesn't belong here': Trump supporters send message to Squad member after ... trends now

When asked a New Yorker at Donald Trump's Bronx rally what her thoughts were on Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez , the response was too explicit to publish.

It was a sentiment shared by many of the thousands who watched the former president campaign on Thursday who are tired of President Joe Biden and the Democrats taking them for granted.

AOC said the event in one of the bluest counties in the country would be a 'muddy mess', posted 'God is good' when it started to rain and urged the majority black and Hispanic locals not to show up.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul also sparked fury by appearing to call MAGA fans 'clowns'.

But the message from the hoards who showed up was clear: They were there for Trump and the Democrats should be worried.

The crowd booed when they heard the Squad member's name mentioned and said she 'doesn't belong here'.

Jessica Stinnett of Manhattan slammed the congresswoman arguing 'there's no respect to America or the American people anymore' because of lawmakers like her and Biden. 

'It's time for us to come and fight,' she said of New York Republicans pushing to shift the state further red.

Trump supporters wait in line to get into Crotona Park in the Bronx for ex-president's rally

Trump supporters wait in line to get into Crotona Park in the Bronx for ex-president's rally

Voters told Fox News before the rally that the Democratic Rep. should 'stay out of the Bronx' and be concerned about the show of support from the thousands decked out in MAGA hats.

Fans in t-shirts with Trump's mugshot and others decked out in Trump bling and tattoos crowded into Crotona Park to hear the ex-president speak while hundreds more waited outside the barricades.

Like the city, it was a more diverse crowd than many of the ex-president's rallies that have taken place in recent months in battleground states . Trump declared the event ta 'love fest.'

Other Trump supporters accused the congresswoman of doing 'nothing for the Bronx.'

Ahead of Trump's rally on Thursday, New York Governor Kathy Hochul appeared on CNN where she used the word 'clowns' to describe Trump supporters.

'Well, I'll tell you what won't make a difference at all, Jake, and that's for Donald Trump to be a ringleader and invite all his clowns to a place like the Bronx,' Hochul told anchor Jake Tapper.

'New York will never, ever support Donald Trump for president she added.'

The comment was reminiscent of when Hillary Clinton labeled Trump supporters as a 'basket of deplorables' in a speech ahead of the 2016 election sparking fierce backlash. (Trump voters have since embraced the term, donning shirts with the word 'deplorable' at numerous GOP

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