Sajid Javid calls in MILITARY to handle Chanel migrant ‘crisis’ - Navy and ...

Migrants English ChanelSajid Javid described the crossings as a “major incident” last Friday (Image: GETTY )

So far 239 migrants have arrived in the UK by boat since November. HMS Mersey, a naval patrol vessel, has been dispatched to the Channel. Aerial surveillance will be provided by the RAF.

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Mr Javid described the crossings as a “major incident” last Friday.

He ordered two Border Force cutters to return to Britain from the Mediterranean, but it could be a fortnight before they are back.

There have been no recorded migrant landings in the UK so far this year, but this may be down to adverse weather in the English Chanel.

The two Border Force patrol boats had been taking part in Operation Frontex, a European Union programme designed to tackle migration across the Mediterranean.

According to the Daily Mail both vessels are still in port more than 24 hours after Mr Javid issued the order, in Gibraltar and Lesbos respectively.

READ MORE: Javid questions if migrants sailing Channel are genuine asylum seekers

Migrants English ChanelRoyal Navy patrol vessel HMS Mersey (pictured) is being deployed to the Chanel (Image: GETTY )

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