Joe Tate death twist revealed on #Emmerdale as star spills all on Debbie’s move

Joe (played by Ned Porteous) was killed by Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley) on Emmerdale in a tragic scene after the consequences of a punch saw him hit his head on a rock.

Father-of-two Cain has been deeply struggling with the horrific reality of his actions ever since.

This week even his wife Moira Dingle (Natalie J. Robb) has been getting fed up with his defeatist attitude and all but gave him an ultimatum to move on.

But knowing how much Debbie (Charley Webb) still misses her ex-fiancé on the ITV soap, Cain can barely stomach the sheer weight of his guilt.

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What’s more, Graham Foster (Andrew Scarborough) has been treading a very dangerous line as he grapples with his alcohol addiction.

Thursday night’s episode saw Megan Macey (Gaynor Faye) and Laurel Thomas (Charlotte Bellamy) step in to help the butler, as Graham finally admitted he needs help.

But with this, will he end up spilling the beans on Joe in an explosive twist?

In a recent interview with, Faith Dingle Star Sally Dexter shared there’s plenty more drama to come yet.

She also teased she would do anything to help Debbie, so is the family matriarch set to get involved in the hunt for millionaire businessman Joe?

Speaking about the heartbreaking consequences of

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