Brexit Secretary faces hard time in CAR CRASH Brexit interview – 'Is there a ...

The Brexit Secretary appeared to struggle to cope with an intense interview on the British Government's Plan B should their proposed Brexit divorce deal be voted down in Parliament. Mr Barclay, who took over from Dominic Raab in November after his resignation over the deal, repeatedly failed to confirm whether Theresa May and her minister had come up with an alternative plan if her agreement is rejected on Tuesday. Social media users watching the exchange branded the interview a "polite car crash" and complained Mr Barclay was "not convincing" in his defence of the plan. 

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The Andrew Marr Show presenter said: "If you lose that vote, and most people think you will, there will have to be another plan, plan B.

"Do you know what it is and you’re not telling me or do you not know what it is? It might not be but it’s likely to be voted down.

"The country has a right to know if it’s voted down, what the Government’s going to do next. That’s what I’m asking you."

Mr Barclay appeared to agree British voters deserved to be made aware of Mrs May's alternative plan yet failed to explain what the new proposition would be. He maintained it would be important Parliament "comes to a view of what it can back."

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Brexit news - Andrew Marr Stephen BarclayBrexit news: Viewers branded Barclay's performance a "polite car crash" (Image: BBC)

Mr Marr also repeatedly questioned the Brexit Secretary on how far along preparatory plans for a no deal Brexit are but Mr Barclay still appeared to struggle.

The BBC presenter continued: " The National

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