‘Stop the clock!’ - Nicola Sturgeon demands May DELAY Brexit after HUGE ...

Brexit news Theresa May“The bare minimum she must do now is seek extension of Article 50” (Image: GETTY )

The House of Commons rejected the Prime Minister’s deal by 230 votes. It was the largest Government defeat in Commons history. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has tabled a no confidence motion which will be voted on today.

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Following the vote, Ms Sturgeon tweeted: “Spoke to PM earlier - not obvious she has any real idea what to do next.

“Also not at all clear she is open to any fundamental change of thinking in her proposed cross party talks.

“The bare minimum she must do now is seek extension of Article 50 to stop the clock.”

Article 50 is the mechanism which a country triggers to leave the European Union, giving it two years to agree a new trading relationship with Brussels before dropping out of the bloc.

The UK is due to formally leave the EU on March 29 2019, having triggered Article 50 two years before.

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Brexit news Theresa MayNicola Sturgeon is calling for a second referendum on the UK's EU membership (Image: GETTY)

However, some politicians are urging

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